English Teacher
Premier English Academy is a small academy in Menendez Pelayo (metro line 1) We are looking for teachers for the upcoming school year (various classes, see below.) Autonomos preferred. 

If interested please send c.v. to mita@premierenglishmadrid.com and state which option you are interested in. Thank you 

1)	Monday to Thursday 4pm – 7:30pm in Menendez Pelayo ( various classes from kids to adults, groups and 1to1) 

2)	Mondays – 5:30pm – 7:30pm. In house class, close to Menendez Pelayo. 2 siblings 10 and 6 years old, an hour with each. 

3)	Tuesdays – 4pm In house class close to Barrio de la Concepcion – 6 year old boy

4)	Fridays (online) 4-5pm, 2 siblings, half an hour each.