English class offer for a 10 year old
Hey! Im Elia and I am an English teacher to a little girl in Barrio Salamanca. I have to leave Madrid and I will unfortunately have to leave this class as well. I am looking for an English speaking (does not have to be native, but it would be better), responsible, experienced and puntual teacher to teach her while I am gone ( at least a year). I also need someone that stays in Madrid until january 2025 because that is when I will be back. This person needs to live within 30 minutes from Alonso Martinez metro. She es a sweet, nice girl with a strong personality, and I want the teacher to grow a great relationship with her because she dors not feel confortable speaking English in general, and she needs to grow that trust. Please ONLY if you stick to all of the requirements contact my email and we will set an interview. 
Thanks ????