33 years old
Boost Your Academy's Visibility with In-House SEO Services
In today’s digital-first world, your English academy’s online presence is more crucial than ever. Yet, many language schools limit their potential by setting up static websites that barely scratch the surface of what's possible. These websites often fail to compete in search rankings, leaving many potential students unaware of the excellent education opportunities available. It’s time to change that narrative with our specialized in-house SEO services designed specifically for English academies like yours! What's more, I'm also an native English speaker with some English teaching experience as well as getting my TESOL accreditation so I can also double as an English Teacher.

What We Offer:

SEO Audit: We begin by evaluating your current website to identify SEO weaknesses and areas for improvement. This comprehensive audit covers everything from site structure to content quality and user experience.

Keyword Research: Discover what potential students are searching for with our in-depth keyword research. We help you understand the terms and phrases that can drive the most relevant traffic to your site.

Keyword Gap Analysis: Stand out from the competition with our keyword gap analysis. We compare your current keyword strategy against those of your competitors to find valuable opportunities that they are missing, giving you the edge.

Content Calendar: Keep your website fresh and engaging with a strategic content calendar. We plan out when and what to post to maintain an active online presence that attracts and retains students.

Management of Google My Business: Optimize your local SEO with our management services for your Google My Business account. Enhance your local search visibility to reach students in your area more effectively.

Monitoring and Fixing Core Web Vitals: Google loves a website that loads quickly and provides a smooth user experience. We continuously monitor and optimize your site’s Core Web Vitals to ensure it meets Google's performance standards.

By neglecting SEO, many English academies are missing out on engaging potential students who are actively searching for their next learning opportunity. Don’t let your academy be invisible to those who need it most. Our in-house SEO services are tailored to help English academies shine online, attract more students, and grow sustainably.

Contact us today to start transforming your website into a dynamic, student-attracting platform!