Looking for teachers in different areas of Madrid
Hello teachers! We are looking for someone to cover the following classes below:
Class 1
Noa (10 years)
Level: School level
Objective: Improve fluency, Noa is an actress and she needs to expand her vocabulary and boost her confidence when expressing herself in English.
Location: Valdebernardo 
Days/time: 2 hours a week on Friday. Starting the earliest at 17:30h and the latest 17:45. 
Class 2
Nicolas (5 years old)
Level: Beginner
Objective: Keep expanding his vocabulary and improve fluency through games and fun and interactive activities. He has been receiving English lessons for almost 2 years. 
Location: Metro Francos Rodriguez 
Days/time: Wednesdays from 18:00 to 19:00
Class 3 
Iker (13 years old)
Level: A2
Objective: Practice of the four language skills and keep improving fluency
Location: alternate between metro ESTRECHO and ALVARADO
Days/time: Wednesdays from 18:00-19:00
Class 4
Javier and Alvaro (13 year old twins)
Level: lower intermediate 
Objective: practice of the four language skills, help with homework or exams, and keep expanding their vocabulary 
Location: Aluche
Days/time: 2 hours/ Thursdays. Starting the earliest at 17:30 and latest 18:30.
Class 5
Marcos (11 years old)
Level: lower intermediate
Objective: Help with homework and practice of the four language skills.
Location: Aluche
Days/time: 1 hour on Tuesdays. Starting the earliest at 17:30h and the latest at 18:00h

-Native english speaker or C2 proficiency 
-TEFL certified 
-At least 6 months of experience working with children. 

These classes pay anywhere between 16-18 Euros the hour depending the location. If you are interested in any of these classes, please send your CV/Resume to ccs1teachers@gmail.com expressing your interest.