Looking For Musical Collaboration
Hi, this is Nash
I am an amateur guitar player and composer.
I come up with many musical ideas, instrumental or vocal melodies that I develop into more structured and polished tracks. But I often find myself not knowing how to evolve that melody into a longer piece. I would like to meet a fellow musician/s with musical talent, raw or seasoned, to work together into creating meaningful and beautiful music that inspires us to play and, why not, could sell and be sold. So guitar and keyboard players, flute or other string players, I would love to hear from you. Let my music do the talking, here is a link to a few of my tracks arranged with different instruments:
You´ll probably notice what some of my influences are. Hope you find it interesting, and if you do and think you can contribute to make it a whole lot better, please contact me. I live in Madrid City and speak English and Spanish. Have a good one!