Looking for EFL teacher in Alcobendas
Hello Everyone,

We are looking for someone around the Alcobendas area to cover the following class for us.

Class details 
12 year old and 15 year old male students
Level: Intermediate 
Objective: Tutoring and help with homework
Days/Time: TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAYS from 18:00 to 19:30 with 15 year old student AND FRIDAYS from 15:00h to 16:30h with 12 year old student
Location:   Alcobendas 
Pay rate: 30 EUR per 1.5hour class 

Requirements for the position:
-	TEFL/TESOL certified
-	At least 1 year of experience teaching EFL 
-	Preferably teachers with a freelance work visa.

If you are interested to teach this class, please send your CV to ccs1teachers@gmail.com. Looking forward to hearing from you!