32 years old
Hi! I have got two young kids (4 and 6) and would love to help you and your family with English in exchange for a little French conversation, fun and games! We could aslo help with your Spanish, (I am from UK, I've lived here for 8 years, My husband is Spanish.) My kids have a French babysitter, but don't speak French, and I used to speak a little before I came to Madrid. I am an English teacher, I have an English school - so you would be welcome to put your kids in the school for free in exchange for an afternoon in the park in French for example. Weekends are perfect for me - I'd love to go out to visit castles and have adventures with a nice couple and their kids. Its very important to me that you have French speaking children (or a child - or nieces and nephews) that can be involved in the exchange. I live very close to the metro El Carmen or Las Ventas. Please contact by Whatsapp.