Calle Jose Fentanes, metro antonio manchado and Valdezarza
Thank you for taking the time to read our message: In English Please is looking for teachers for various classes around Madrid.
Would interested teachers please send the reference (as a subject line) and their CV to the given email. It is preferable to have a copy of the job offer attached in the body.
Reference: AG GO MO 671 Calle Jose Fentanes
Where: Calle Jose Fentanes, metro antonio manchado and Valdezarza
When: Monday 1800 (or closest to the hour)
Other options: sometime around 1800 on monday
Duration: one hour a week, could be extended to 1.5 hours a week.
End date: Summer
Level: A2 - they are kids
Why: Very general school support, lots of speaking.
Suggested rate: 24€ an hour
Other details or conditions: We would like to start a soon as possible. Let me know the days and times that suit you. Students must do 100% of all classes per week, not including holidays.