Hello! My name is Omar and I'm an English teacher with more than 7 years of experience. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing and obtained my TEFL certificate in Spain in 2017. Since then, I have worked with students of all ages, both in-person and online. My lessons are dynamic and personalized to the interested of each individual student. What do I offer? - I can prepare students for English exams (PET, FCE, CAE, IELTS, TOEFL) - Business English lessons to boost your career - Editing and writing support to improve your communication - Conversation-based lessons to expand your vocabulary and perfect pronunciation - Homework assignments to reinforce learning points from our lessons I am very excited to help you improve your English!!! ------------------------------------------- ¡Hola! Mi nombre es Omar y soy profesor de inglés con más de 7 años de experiencia. Soy licenciado en Escritura Creativa y obtuve mi certificado TEFL en Barcelona, ??España en 2017. Desde entonces, he trabajado con estudiantes de todas las edades, tanto en persona como online. Mis clases son dinámicas y adaptadas a los intereses de cada estudiante. ¿Qué ofrezco? •? ?Preparación de exámenes de inglés (PET, FCE, CAE, IELTS, TOEFL) •? ?Clases de inglés de negocios para impulsar tu carrera. •? ?Apoyo con edición y redacción en inglés para mejorar la claridad. •? ?Clases de conversación para ampliar el vocabulario y perfeccionar la pronunciación. •? ?Proporcionar deberes para reforzar los puntos de aprendizaje de la lección. Tengo muchas ganas de ayudarte en mejorar tu inglés!!


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? Join me for an intensive and personalized one-on-one online course this July. With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling in my intensive one-on-one online course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture. WWW.SPANISHONE2ONE.COM


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? Join me for an intensive and personalized one-on-one online course this July. With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling in my intensive one-on-one online course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture. WWW.SPANISHONE2ONE.COM


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? Join me for an intensive and personalized one-on-one online course this July. With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling in my intensive one-on-one online course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture. Free Trial Lesson Available this week


Are you preparing for your B2 or C1 English exams? Look no further! I'm an experienced English teacher passionate about helping students like you achieve your language goals. Why Choose My Classes? I've spent the past five years teaching English, and I hold a Bachelor's degree in English Language. I've helped many students prepare for their Cambridge and Trinity exams with great success. My classes are interactive and engaging, designed to suit your unique learning style. I love using technology to make lessons more interesting and effective, and my students always enjoy our fun activities like role-plays, games, and creative projects – we even created a cookbook from student recipes once! What You Can Expect: In my classes, we'll cover all parts of the exam – reading, writing, listening, and speaking. I'll provide regular practice tests and detailed feedback to help you improve. Plus, the flexibility of online lessons means you can learn from the comfort of your home, at times that suit you best. Who Can Join? Whether you're a student aiming to pass your B2 or C1 exams, an adult learner looking to boost your English skills, or anyone committed to achieving their language goals, my classes are perfect for you. A Bit About Me: I’m CELTA certified and have extensive experience teaching B2 and C1 exam preparation courses. I'm also currently working on a linguistic project to train AI in Spanish, with a goal to become an NLP expert. This allows me to bring innovative approaches to my teaching. Plus, I love exploring new ways of learning and incorporating fun activities like singing songs with my guitar, various games, and role-plays that my adult groups enjoy a lot. Ready to Get Started? Join my online classes on Lingobongo and take the first step towards mastering your B2 or C1 exams! Just sign up on Lingobongo and search for my profile to enroll. Let’s make learning English an exciting and rewarding journey!


In today’s digital-first world, your English academy’s online presence is more crucial than ever. Yet, many language schools limit their potential by setting up static websites that barely scratch the surface of what's possible. These websites often fail to compete in search rankings, leaving many potential students unaware of the excellent education opportunities available. It’s time to change that narrative with our specialized in-house SEO services designed specifically for English academies like yours! What's more, I'm also an native English speaker with some English teaching experience as well as getting my TESOL accreditation so I can also double as an English Teacher. What We Offer: SEO Audit: We begin by evaluating your current website to identify SEO weaknesses and areas for improvement. This comprehensive audit covers everything from site structure to content quality and user experience. Keyword Research: Discover what potential students are searching for with our in-depth keyword research. We help you understand the terms and phrases that can drive the most relevant traffic to your site. Keyword Gap Analysis: Stand out from the competition with our keyword gap analysis. We compare your current keyword strategy against those of your competitors to find valuable opportunities that they are missing, giving you the edge. Content Calendar: Keep your website fresh and engaging with a strategic content calendar. We plan out when and what to post to maintain an active online presence that attracts and retains students. Management of Google My Business: Optimize your local SEO with our management services for your Google My Business account. Enhance your local search visibility to reach students in your area more effectively. Monitoring and Fixing Core Web Vitals: Google loves a website that loads quickly and provides a smooth user experience. We continuously monitor and optimize your site’s Core Web Vitals to ensure it meets Google's performance standards. By neglecting SEO, many English academies are missing out on engaging potential students who are actively searching for their next learning opportunity. Don’t let your academy be invisible to those who need it most. Our in-house SEO services are tailored to help English academies shine online, attract more students, and grow sustainably. Contact us today to start transforming your website into a dynamic, student-attracting platform!


¡Aprende inglés a través de la fotografía! ¿Frustrad@ con los métodos tradicionales para aprender inglés? Nuestro innovador curso de fotografía en inglés B1 está diseñado para principiantes que desean fusionar su pasión por la fotografía con el uso práctico del inglés, desde la comodidad de su hogar. Beneficios: Tareas semanales de fotografía: Desarrolla tus habilidades a través de desafíos creativos y aprende inglés de forma natural. Sesiones interactivas en línea: Comparte, discute y crece con un pequeño grupo de compañeros entusiastas de la fotografía. Materiales de aprendizaje integral: Adéntrate en las técnicas fotográficas y los conocimientos culturales mientras mejoras tu vocabulario en inglés. Feedback personalizado: Recibe apoyo directo para mejorar tanto tu fotografía como tu comunicación en inglés. Programa: Clase 1: Fundamentos de fotografía Clase 2: Composición Clase 3: Iluminación y habilidades narrativas Clase 4: Estilos de fotografía Clase 5: Perspectivas culturales Tareas: Después de cada clase, los participantes recibirán una pequeña tarea para preparar la siguiente sesión, como tomar fotografías de tipos específicos o escribir párrafos cortos describiendo su trabajo. Detalles clave: Tamaño del grupo: Limitado a 5 participantes para una interacción óptima. Horario: Lunes y jueves de 7 a 8:30 PM; Sábados de 11 a 12:30 PM. Costo: 75 € por 5 clases, pagado antes del inicio de tu curso a través de Paypal. También puedes reservar tu plaza por 25€ y abonar el resto hasta el día anterior al inicio del curso. Fechas de inicio: Grupo 1: 3 de junio, Grupo 2: 4 de junio, Grupo 3: 8 de junio. ¿Listo para transformar tus habilidades de inglés a través del lente de tu cámara? ¡Inscríbete ahora y emprende un viaje donde el idioma se encuentra con el arte! Inscripciones:


Let's speak Portuguese or English today! My name is Sandrine Elliott, and I’m an online language tutor specializing in helping children and adult expats learn a new language. I speak English, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish. I am also learning French and Chinese. I am a language learner myself, so I understand the emotional rollercoaster that can cloud our judgment and make us feel discouraged at times. That’s why I am patient and empathetic with my students. I make them feel comfortable and help them overcome the fear of speaking another language, allowing the lesson to flow at their own pace without rushing. My immersive, natural approach to language learning ensures that you will not only improve your language skills but also feel comfortable and confident speaking in any situation. This is my LinkedIn profile where you can learn more about me and see the recommendations I have received: I offer lesson packages. Ex: 5 lessons for $187, 50 a month ( 1 lesson per week) Check my website for package details, and scheduling: I just created a YouTube channel 2 weeks ago where you can follow me for tips on language learning. I upload videos every week: Please let me know if you have any questions at: WhatsApp +1 912 500 5101 Email: Are you ready to start? Book a free trial lesson today:


Unlock the power of English with personalized private lessons! Whether you're a beginner or aiming for fluency, dive into the language adventure with me! From grammar galore to conversation champions. No more dull textbooks, just tailored sessions that fit your pace and interests. Say hello to confidence, wave goodbye to language barriers! Ready to embark on this linguistic rollercoaster? Let's chat and start your English escapade today! My name is Doug. I am a TEFL certified English teacher here in Barcelona. I am a native English speaker from the USA. I offer class in person or online for 20 euros and hour. If you are interested email me at or Whatsapp me at +1 (720) 357-6080 and lets get you learning English today! ¡Desbloquea el poder del inglés con lecciones privadas y personalizadas! Ya seas principiante o busques fluidez, ¡sumérgete en la aventura del idioma conmigo! Desde gramática en abundancia hasta campeones de conversación. Tiremos los libros de texto aburridos - solo sesiones personalizadas que se ajusten a su ritmo e intereses. ¡Saluda a la confianza y dile adiós a las barreras del idioma! ¿Listo para embarcarte en esta montaña rusa lingüística? Charlemos y comencemos tu escapada en inglés hoy! Mi nombre es Douglas. Soy profesor de inglés certificado con TEFL - aquí en Barcelona. Soy un hablante nativo de inglés de los Estados Unidos. Ofrezco clases en persona u online por 20 euros la hora. Si estás interesado, por favor envíame un correo electrónico a o envíame un Whatsapp al +1 (720) 357-6080 y ¡permitete aprender inglés hoy!


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling my one-on-one course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture. This program are for you if : -You are looking for a multilingual and a highly experienced teacher . -You have no time to waste just following a book without methodology with an unexperienced person -You want strategies to improve faster. -You prefer to make the most of every minute. -You are not looking for an amateur "teacher" with no experience. -You need to learn Spanish as soon as possible. -You want 100% personalized attention. -You start from scratch, but you want to move fast. -You know some Spanish, but you want to speak fluently. -You are looking for a learning method that motivates you and you need facilities and flexibility with schedules IN MY WEB YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY NEW BOOK: UNLOCK SPANISH IDIOMS: TREASURED SPANISH SAYINGS UNVEILED WWW.SPANISHONE2ONE.COM Lets send me a WhatsApp! Hope hearing from you soon Victor


Now half price for the first class! Hi! I'm a friendly and fun English teacher from England, with a 160-hour Trinity CertTESOL TEFL qualification. I have experience teaching groups and private classes of all English proficiency levels. My class services can include (but are not limited to): KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, etc... Business English, Conversation, Revision/Homework, Interview + Exam Prep, CV assistance, Job applications. Prices: 15 euros per hour, 30 min classes are 10 euros. Discounts are available for booking 5 or more classes. Discounts are available for group sessions. For in-person sessions, 18 euros per hour, with the same discounts applying :) Contact: Email: Whatsapp: +44 7887381671 I hope to hear from you soon! ____________________________________________________________ ¡Ahora a mitad de precio para la primera clase! ¡Hola! Soy una profesora de inglés amigable y divertida de Inglaterra, con una calificación Trinity CertTESOL TEFL de 160 horas. Tengo experiencia impartiendo clases grupales y privadas de todos los niveles de inglés. Mis servicios de clase pueden incluir (pero no se limitan a): KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, etc... Inglés de negocios, conversación, revisión/tarea, entrevista + preparación para exámenes, asistencia de CV, solicitudes de empleo. Precios: 15 euros la hora, clases de 30 min son 10 euros. Hay descuentos disponibles para reservar 5 o más clases. Hay descuentos disponibles para sesiones grupales. Para sesiones presenciales, 18 euros la hora, aplicándose los mismos descuentos :) Contacto: Correo electrónico: Whatsapp: +44 7887381671 ¡Espero oír de usted pronto!


¡Hola! Soy Sara. Would you like to communicate in Spanish confidently, in a natural way? If so, I am a professional and experienced teacher and would be happy to help you! My teaching methods are tailor-made to meet your needs. I emphasise the communicative aspect of language, to help you interact with Spanish speakers in a natural way. Any level is welcomed from beginner to advanced. Feel free to visit my website to know a bit more about me, the lessons, and what some other students say about me :) or my video: THE CLASSES - Taylor - made for your needs and goals - Online via video-conference (Skype or Zoom) - Interactive and enjoyable - With creative material provided - Flexible times ABOUT ME - Qualified Spanish Teacher - Over 10 years' experience - Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language - DELE examiner - Lived and taught in Ireland, Holland, Germany and UK - Enthusiastic, patient and creative PRICE (one to one) - Free 30 min. trial lesson to discuss your needs and goals. - General Spanish: €30/hour SOME TESTIMONIALS “Sara’s approach makes the process of learning Spanish effective and very enjoyable. Just as it should be.” - Adam, intermediate level. “Sara is enthusiastic, positive and relaxed so the classes are always enjoyable - as a result I have seen a dramatic improvement in my Spanish.” Alex, intermediate level. “Sara makes you feel confident and comfortable. She draws out the most in you. We learn by doing and she is so good at teaching that way. ” - Bethany, advanced level. “Sara is a fantastic and patient teacher. Her enthusiasm for Spanish is infectious. Sara not only understands teaching but she understands people.” - Vaitehi, intermediate level. “Sara structures the lessons around you to make sure you learn and understand exactly what you need to. Not only this, she keeps it fun while also teaching you.” - Isabel, beginner level. “She was the perfect teacher to have during my Master program. She has high standards and won’t settle for “good enough” when it comes to corrections.” - Rachel, advanced level.


¡Hola! Soy Sara. Would you like to communicate in Spanish confidently, in a natural way? If so, I am a professional and experienced teacher and would be happy to help you! My teaching methods are tailor-made to meet your needs. I emphasise the communicative aspect of language, to help you interact with Spanish speakers in a natural way. Any level is welcomed from beginner to advanced. Feel free to visit my website to know a bit more about me, the lessons, and what some other students say about me :) or my video: THE CLASSES - Taylor - made for your needs and goals - Online via video-conference (Skype or Zoom) - Interactive and enjoyable - With creative material provided - Flexible times ABOUT ME - Qualified Spanish Teacher - Over 10 years' experience - Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language - DELE examiner - Lived and taught in Ireland, Holland, Germany and UK - Enthusiastic, patient and creative PRICE (one to one) - Free 30 min. trial lesson to discuss your needs and goals. - General Spanish: €30/hour SOME TESTIMONIALS “Sara’s approach makes the process of learning Spanish effective and very enjoyable. Just as it should be.” - Adam, intermediate level. “Sara is enthusiastic, positive and relaxed so the classes are always enjoyable - as a result I have seen a dramatic improvement in my Spanish.” Alex, intermediate level. “Sara makes you feel confident and comfortable. She draws out the most in you. We learn by doing and she is so good at teaching that way. ” - Bethany, advanced level. “Sara is a fantastic and patient teacher. Her enthusiasm for Spanish is infectious. Sara not only understands teaching but she understands people.” - Vaitehi, intermediate level. “Sara structures the lessons around you to make sure you learn and understand exactly what you need to. Not only this, she keeps it fun while also teaching you.” - Isabel, beginner level. “She was the perfect teacher to have during my Master program. She has high standards and won’t settle for “good enough” when it comes to corrections.” - Rachel, advanced level.


My name is James and I am native English speaker from Chicago, Illinois, USA. I have been teaching English in primary/secondary schools and adults the past 6 years in Spain and France. I have also worked in various summer English camps in France and Spain with kids and teenagers. With adults, I have volunteered with VaughnTown programs. I provide English classes for help with conversation, phrasal verbs, idioms, certified in exams such as (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, interview practice, listening, homework, comprehension and grammar for kids, teenagers, and adults. I use many resources like games, role play , idioms/phrasal verbs, speaking activities, videos, songs, films, and reading articles to make the class interactive and practical. Students will have fun and gain confidence while improving their English. My students are happy with the results, better marks in school and achieving the B2 and C1 levels. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Foreign Languages from New Jersey. Besides my native English, I am also fluent in Spanish and French. I can also tutor in beginner French A1-B1. Mi nombre es James y soy un hablante nativo de inglés de Chicago, Illinois, EEUU. He enseñado inglés en institutos y colegios y también a adultos en los últimos 6 años en España y Francia. También he trabajado en varios campamentos de inglés de verano en Francia y España con niños y adolescentes. Con adultos, me he ofrecido como voluntario en los programas de VaughnTown. Doy clases de inglés para ayudar con conversación, phrasal verbs, idioms, preparación de exámenes (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, preparar entrevistas en ingles, listening, tareas del colegio, comprensión y gramática para niños, adolescentes y adultos. Utilizo varios recursos como juegos, role play, idioms /phrasal verbs, videos, canciones, películas, artículos/revistas para que la clase sea interactiva y practica. Los alumnos aprenderán sin estar aburridos y ganaran confianza con el ingles en seguida. Mis estudiantes están muy contentos con el trabajo y los resultados; mejores nota en el colegio y obtener el B2 y C1. Tengo una licenciatura en biología y idiomas extranjeras de New Jersey. Además de mi inglés nativo, hablo español y francés con fluidez. También doy clases de francés de nivel A1-B1.


Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey of language and artistic exploration? Look no further! I am a dedicated TELF certified English teacher and accomplished art instructor with a rich background in education and over 4 years of experience in teaching. Experience: Over the past two years, I have been working with various schools in Barcelona, offering dynamic and fun English classes to both kids and adults of diverse levels. My engaging methodologies ensure an interactive and enjoyable learning experience. Prior to this, I volunteered with an NGO in Mumbai, India teaching English to underprivileged children, sparking my passion for education. Languages: English (Native), Hindi (Native), Spanish (B1) Classes Offered: Offering dynamic classes in both English language and art, I specialize in integrating creative elements into teaching methods for an engaging and interactive learning environment. (Feel free to check out my art portfolio on Instagram @tanveeroberai) Ages and Levels: Tailoring classes to various age groups, from children to adults, I cater to all proficiency levels, ensuring personalized attention and support for every learner. Location: Flexible with class locations, I offer both in-person classes (in Barcelona) and online lessons (worldwide) to accommodate your preferences and schedule. Group Reductions: Avail special discounts for groups of 1+ students. Rate Per Hour: 20 euros. Ready to embark on a journey of language and creativity? Contact me now to schedule your first lesson and unlock the doors to a world of inspiration and knowledge! Email: Let's start this exciting adventure together!


My name is James and I am native English speaker from Chicago, Illinois, USA. I have been teaching English in primary/secondary schools and adults the past 6 years in Spain and France. I have also worked in various summer English camps in France and Spain with kids and teenagers. With adults, I have volunteered with VaughnTown programs. I provide English classes for help with conversation, phrasal verbs, idioms, certified in exams such as (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, interview practice, listening, homework, comprehension and grammar for kids, teenagers, and adults. I use many resources like games, role play , idioms/phrasal verbs, speaking activities, videos, songs, films, and reading articles to make the class interactive and practical. Students will have fun and gain confidence while improving their English. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Foreign Languages from New Jersey. Besides my native English, I am also fluent in Spanish and French. I can also tutor in beginner French A1-A2. If you would like to improve your English and have fun too, don't hesitate to contact me. Mi nombre es James y soy un hablante nativo de inglés de Chicago, Illinois, EEUU. He enseñado inglés en institutos y colegios y también a adultos en los últimos 6 años en España y Francia. También he trabajado en varios campamentos de inglés de verano en Francia y España con niños y adolescentes. Con adultos, me he ofrecido como voluntario en los programas de VaughnTown. Doy clases de inglés para ayudar con conversación, phrasal verbs, idioms, preparación de exámenes (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, preparar entrevistas en ingles, listening, tareas del colegio, comprensión y gramática para niños, adolescentes y adultos. Utilizo varios recursos como juegos, role play, idioms /phrasal verbs, videos, canciones, películas, artículos/revistas para que la clase sea interactiva y practica. Los alumnos aprenderán sin estar aburridos y ganaran confianza con el ingles en seguida. Tengo una licenciatura en biología y idiomas extranjeras de New Jersey. Además de mi inglés nativo, hablo español y francés con fluidez. También doy clases de francés de nivel A1-B1. Si desea mejorar su ingles o francés, no dudes en ponerse en contacto conmigo.


EFL Teacher Required in Marbella, MALAGA for January 2024 We are currently looking to recruit a pro-active and native-level speaking EFL teacher to start in January 2024. Salary and Benefits - Competitive salary of 1400 euros net - All local and national holidays paid including 10 days at Christmas and 5 days at Easter. - 9 month renewable contract with possibility of working in summer school in July. - Social Security paid. - Help finding accommodation and getting residency documents. (We have a list of landlords/landladies and the rent per month for a studio or one bedroomed apartment is usually between 550/600 euros or sharing an apartment for 350€/month.) "ADVANCE Language School" is situated in Marbella, Andalucia in Southern Spain. Being one of the leading schools in the area, we have an excellent reputation for offering a high standard of language education and are continually striving to achieve the best possible results. "ADVANCE Language school" is also a Cambridge exam centre. The teaching will be made up of 65% young learner/teenager classes and 35% adult classes. The majority of our students prepare for the Cambridge exams starting at A2 level and go on to take other Cambridge Main Suite exams at A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2 levels. Therefore, experience with Cambridge Exams is necessary. We also provide General English and Business English classes to adults and professionals. Students are taught in groups with a maximum class size of 9 students although teachers may also teach some one-2-one classes. The main duties include: - Prepare and plan classes incorporating a communicative approach to teaching. - Teach 24 hours per week at a variety of levels from beginner through to upper intermediate/advanced levels. - Attend staff meetings/professional development training sessions. Teachers at ADVANCE Language School can take advantage of: - professional training sessions to help develop their teaching skills. - being supported from experienced academic staff (DoS) - a supportive and cooperative atmosphere working with a team of enthusiastic and professional teachers. - workshops and on-going training. - formal and peer observations. Minimum Requirements - Qualifications: CELTA or TESOL - 1 year classroom teaching experience - Experience with Young Learners and Cambridge exams valued. - EU national/valid work permit or TIE - University degree is preferred.


???? Unlock Your Language Potential with Expert English Classes! ???? Are you ready to elevate your English skills to new heights? Look no further! Immerse yourself in personalized, top-notch English classes with a dedicated and TEFL-certified instructor. ???? **Why Choose Me?** - **Experienced TEFL-Certified Teacher:** Learn from a seasoned professional with a proven track record in English language education. - **Tailored Lessons:** Whether you're a beginner or advanced learner, classes are customized to meet your specific needs and goals. - **Flexible Schedule:** I understand your busy lifestyle. Schedule classes at your convenience, and let the learning fit seamlessly into your routine. - **Affordable Pricing:** Quality education shouldn't break the bank. Enjoy comprehensive lessons at just 17€ per hour! ???? **What I Offer:** - **Grammar Mastery:** Nail those tricky grammar rules and enhance your communication skills. - **Fluent Conversations:** Engage in dynamic conversations to boost your speaking confidence. - **Vocabulary Expansion:** Build a rich vocabulary that makes you stand out in any English-speaking environment. - **Exam Preparation:** Whether it's for proficiency exams or interviews, I've got you covered. TOEFL/IELTS/Cambridge/Aptis ????????? **About the Instructor:** With a passion for teaching and a commitment to your success, I'm a TEFL-certified instructor who brings a wealth of experience to the table. Join countless satisfied learners who have achieved their language goals with my guidance. ???? **Start Your Language Journey Today!** Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your English proficiency. Contact me now to schedule your first class and embark on a rewarding language-learning experience. *Unlock a world of possibilities with my English classes!*


Descubre el Encanto del Portugués con un Profesor Nativo de Brasil ???????? ¿Estás listo para un viaje único de aprendizaje que va más allá de las palabras? Ofrezco clases, presencialmente en Barcelona, de portugués para extranjeros con un enfoque que no solo explora los aspectos lingüísticos, sino que también se sumerge en la rica trama cultural de Brasil. Hablo español y inglés! ???? Lo que puedes esperar: ????? Aprende con un profesor nativo de Brasil, sumergiéndote en la autenticidad del idioma y la cultura. ???? Además de las lecciones de idiomas, explora los encantos de la cultura brasileña, desde la música y la danza hasta las tradiciones culinarias. ???? Clases Personalizadas: Adaptadas a tus necesidades y nivel de competencia, para garantizar un aprendizaje efectivo y envolvente. ???? Temas Específicos (Opcional): Si estás interesado, explora temas relacionados con los derechos humanos, enriqueciendo tu comprensión del idioma a través de discusiones significativas. ???? Mis clases ofrecen más que la adquisición de un nuevo idioma. Proporciono una inmersión auténtica en la riqueza cultural de Brasil, promoviendo no solo la comprensión del idioma, sino también una conexión más profunda con la comunidad global. ???? ¡Prepárate para un emocionante viaje educativo! Programa tu clase hoy y descubre el portugués de una manera única. ???? Para obtener más información y reservas, comunícate por correo electrónico a: o por teléfono al +55 21 999238458 (WhatsApp).


My name is James and I am a native English speaker from Chicago, Illinois, USA. With 6 years of experience, I have been working as an English professor in primary and high schools. I have also worked with adults helping them with speaking , Business and Medical English and helping them prepare interviews and for Cambridge. I provide students English classes for help with conversation, phrasal verbs, idioms, Cambridge (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, interview practice, listening, homework, comprehension and grammar for kids, teenagers, and adults. I use many resources like games, role play , idioms/phrasal verbs, speaking activities, videos, songs, films, and reading articles to make the class interactive and practical. Students will have fun and gain confidence while improving their English. My students are happy with the results, better marks in school and achieving the B2 and C1 levels. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Foreign Languages from New Jersey. Besides my native English, I am also fluent in Spanish and French. I can also tutor in beginner French A1-B1. References/CV available upon request. Mi nombre es James y soy un hablante nativo de inglés de Chicago, Illinois, EEUU. Con 6 años de experiencia, he trabajado como maestro de inglés en colegios de primaria y institutos de secundaria. Con adultos, he dado clases de conversación, Business English, Medical English y preparar para entrevistas y los exámenes de Cambridge. Doy clases de inglés a todos para ayudar con conversación, phrasal verbs, idioms, preparación de exámenes (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, preparar entrevistas en ingles, listening, tareas del colegio, comprensión y gramática para niños, adolescentes y adultos. Utilizo varios recursos como juegos, role play, idioms /phrasal verbs, videos, canciones, películas, artículos/revistas para que la clase sea interactiva y practica. Los alumnos aprenderán sin estar aburridos y ganaran confianza con el ingles en seguida. Mis estudiantes están muy contentos con el trabajo y los resultados; mejores nota en el colegio y obtener el B2 y C1. Tengo una licenciatura en biología y idiomas extranjeras de New Jersey. Además de mi inglés nativo, hablo español y francés con fluidez. También doy clases de francés de nivel A1-B1. Referencias y CV disponible a pedido.


Mi nombre es James y soy un hablante nativo de inglés de Chicago, Illinois, EEUU. Con 6 años de experiencia, he trabajado como maestro de inglés en colegios de primaria y institutos de secundaria. Con adultos, he dado clases de conversación, Business English, Medical English y preparar para entrevistas y los exámenes de Cambridge. Doy clases de inglés a todos para ayudar con conversación, phrasal verbs, idioms, preparación de exámenes (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, preparar entrevistas en ingles, listening, tareas del colegio, comprensión y gramática para niños, adolescentes y adultos. Utilizo varios recursos como juegos, role play, idioms /phrasal verbs, videos, canciones, películas, artículos/revistas para que la clase sea interactiva y practica. Los alumnos aprenderán sin estar aburridos y ganaran confianza con el ingles en seguida. Mis estudiantes están muy contentos con el trabajo y los resultados; mejores nota en el colegio y obtener el B2 y C1. Tengo una licenciatura en biología y idiomas extranjeras de New Jersey. Además de mi inglés nativo, hablo español y francés con fluidez. También doy clases de francés de nivel A1-B1. Referencias y CV disponible a pedido. My name is James and I am a native English speaker from Chicago, Illinois, USA. With 6 years of experience, I have been working as an English professor in primary and high schools. I have also worked with adults helping them with speaking , Business and Medical English and helping them prepare interviews and for Cambridge. I provide students English classes for help with conversation, phrasal verbs, idioms, Cambridge (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, interview practice, listening, homework, comprehension and grammar for kids, teenagers, and adults. I use many resources like games, role play , idioms/phrasal verbs, speaking activities, videos, songs, films, and reading articles to make the class interactive and practical. Students will have fun and gain confidence while improving their English. My students are happy with the results, better marks in school and achieving the B2 and C1 levels. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Foreign Languages from New Jersey. Besides my native English, I am also fluent in Spanish and French. I can also tutor in beginner French A1-B1. References/CV available upon request.


My name is James and I am a native English speaker from Chicago, Illinois, USA. With 6 years of experience, I have been working as an English professor in primary and high schools. I have also worked with adults helping them with speaking , Business and Medical English and helping them prepare interviews and for Cambridge. I provide students English classes for help with conversation, phrasal verbs, idioms, Cambridge (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, interview practice, listening, homework, comprehension and grammar for kids, teenagers, and adults. I use many resources like games, role play , idioms/phrasal verbs, speaking activities, videos, songs, films, and reading articles to make the class interactive and practical. Students will have fun and gain confidence while improving their English. My students are happy with the results, better marks in school and achieving the B2 and C1 levels. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Foreign Languages from New Jersey. Besides my native English, I am also fluent in Spanish and French. I can also tutor in beginner French A1-B1. References/CV available upon request. Mi nombre es James y soy un hablante nativo de inglés de Chicago, Illinois, EEUU. Con 6 años de experiencia, he trabajado como maestro de inglés en colegios de primaria y institutos de secundaria. Con adultos, he dado clases de conversación, Business English, Medical English y preparar para entrevistas y los exámenes de Cambridge. Doy clases de inglés a todos para ayudar con conversación, phrasal verbs, idioms, preparación de exámenes (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, preparar entrevistas en ingles, listening, tareas del colegio, comprensión y gramática para niños, adolescentes y adultos. Utilizo varios recursos como juegos, role play, idioms /phrasal verbs, videos, canciones, películas, artículos/revistas para que la clase sea interactiva y practica. Los alumnos aprenderán sin estar aburridos y ganaran confianza con el ingles en seguida. Mis estudiantes están muy contentos con el trabajo y los resultados; mejores nota en el colegio y obtener el B2 y C1. Tengo una licenciatura en biología y idiomas extranjeras de New Jersey. Además de mi inglés nativo, hablo español y francés con fluidez. También doy clases de francés de nivel A1-B1. Referencias y CV disponible a pedido.


Hola, si buscas un profe de inglés para ayudarte mejorar tu inglés no dudas en contactarme. Tengo 25 años de experiencia con estudiantes de todas las edades y habilidades. Si conoces otra person que quiere compartir las clases contigo puedes pagar la mitad cada uno (10€ por hora de clase) Puedes ver mi canal de Youtube : Tambien hay la posibilidad de hacer un curso INTENSIVO de verano con descuento. Hago clases particulares de inglés para gente de todos los niveles de inglés. Puedo ayudarte preparar un examen oficial como PET FCE CAE TOEFL, o si solo quieres mejorar y mantener tu nivel de inglés puedo hacer un curso para este fin. Mis clases son siempre enfocadas en la comunicación y hago actividades interactivas para reforzar las habilidades de speaking, listening, reading, writing y incrementar tu conocimiento de la lengua inglesa. Se puede hacer las clases en cualquier sitio de Barcelona solo depende de la hora en que podríamos hacerlo. Sobre mi: Soy un profe nativo de Inglaterra y tengo mas de 25 años de experiencia enseñando ingles a gente como tú. Soy de un pueblo en el noroeste de Inglaterra pero llevo años viviendo en Barcelona y enseñando inglés. Me encanta ayudar la gente superar sus metas con el tema del inglés. Tengo el certificado CELTA que es un titulo específicamente para enseñar inglés a extranjeros. Pero mas importante que eso tengo muchísima experiencia con gente de todos los niveles y habilidades. La cosa mas importante para aprender una idioma es la motivación, y por eso siempre pongo èmfasis en hacer mis clases divertidos y interesantes. Hago una esfuerzo para que tu puedes conseguir tus objetivos, pero no olvides que aprender una idioma significa hacer un compromiso y trabajar. No es una cosa fácil pero con determinación y la ayuda de un profe adecuado se puede hacer. Espero verte pronto , y si tienes cualquier duda solo tienes que ponerse en contacto conmigo y intentaré resolverlo lo antes posible. Gracias!


Unlock the World with Fluent English! Online Lessons: 15 euros 45 mins Are you ready to embark on a journey towards English fluency? Look no further! Hi there, I'm Sarah a highly experienced English language teacher with over 12 years of expertise in teaching English as a foreign language. I'm a native English speaker from the UK, certified by TEFL, and hold a postgraduate certificate in TESOL. My passion lies in helping students of all ages and levels reach their language goals. What You Can Expect from My Classes: ???? Tailored to You: Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, my classes are custom-tailored to suit your age and proficiency level. ???? Exam Preparation: Striving to ace those English exams? I've got you covered with expert guidance and practice materials. ???? Interview Ready: Preparing for an important interview? I'll help you hone your language skills and boost your confidence. ???? Conversational Mastery: Want to chat fluently with native speakers? Let's have engaging conversations that make you a confident communicator. ???? Business English: Elevate your career with specialized Business English classes that equip you for professional success. With my patient and student-centered approach, you'll not only learn English but also grow to love the language. I believe in making learning fun and interactive, ensuring that you look forward to every class. Hola, soy Sarah, un profesor altamente experimentado de inglés con más de 12 años de experiencia en la enseñanza de inglés como lengua extranjera. Soy un hablante nativo de inglés del Reino Unido, certificado por TEFL y tengo un certificado de posgrado en TESOL. Mi pasión radica en ayudar a estudiantes de todas las edades y niveles a alcanzar sus objetivos lingüísticos.


¡Hola a todos! Mi nombre es Ali, soy una profesora de inglés profesional originaria de Los Ángeles, California. Tras graduarme de la Universidad de Georgetown en Washington D.C. hace cuatro años, me mudé a Madrid, España, donde he estado perfeccionando mis habilidades como docente desde entonces. Estoy aquí para ofrecer una experiencia única de aprendizaje de inglés online, diseñada para adultos de todas las edades y niveles. Esto es lo que me distingue como profesora: Enfoque personalizado: Utilizando el conocimiento adquirido a través de mis cursos de máster, como "Diseño del Currículum" y "Teorías del Aprendizaje", diseño cada lección para satisfacer tus necesidades y objetivos específicos. Ya sea que te estés preparando para un examen de Cambridge, buscando mejorar tu fluidez, deseando potenciar tu inglés profesional/empresarial, o necesitando práctica en escritura o entrevistas, estoy aquí para facilitar una experiencia de aprendizaje tanto agradable como fructífera. Enseñanza creativa: Estoy dedicada a crear lecciones que resuene contigo personalmente. Esto podría involucrar conversaciones casuales centradas en tus pasiones, como una clase de cocina simulada en inglés, o preparaciones más formales para exámenes o entrevistas. Mi objetivo es hacer que cada clase sea una experiencia de aprendizaje rica y disfrutable que te acerque a alcanzar tus objetivos personales y profesionales. Experiencia internacional: Con cuatro años de experiencia trabajando en escuelas bilingües/internacionales y enriquecida por cursos como "Inglés Global en un Contexto Intercultural" y "Liderazgo y Gestión Educativa en un Entorno Internacional", aporto una perspectiva global a mis clases. Mi trasfondo, enriquecido por vivir en lugares diversos como Bosnia y Herzegovina, Sudáfrica, Washington D.C., y Madrid, y siendo originaria de California, me permite llevar una perspectiva rica y cosmopolita al entorno de aprendizaje. Estoy disponible para clases por la mañana, tarde y primeras horas de la noche, ofreciendo flexibilidad para acomodarme a tu horario. No dudes en contactarme para solicitar mi CV y discutir la frecuencia de las clases que te interesan. Estoy abierta a críticas constructivas y siempre buscando adaptarme a los comentarios de mis estudiantes para proporcionar la experiencia de aprendizaje más fructífera. Espero tener el placer de ayudarte en tu camino de aprendizaje del inglés. Un cordial saludo, Ali


Hello, I'm Alejandro and I'm a native Spanish teacher. I have a degree in Hispanic Philology and have extensive experience in face-to-face and online classes. I have taught in both formats to individual students and groups of all levels and ages. I have also prepared the DELE and other types of exams. In my lessons, I share digital boards that I've been creating over the years, and I have the impression that my students feel like I'm sitting right beside them. There is a whole audiovisual library at our fingertips, such as Youtube, which we can use almost immediately. In fact, we've really got the entire internet at our disposal. If any of my students has questions about content that hasn’t been programmed for that day, all my material is just a click away. I send these digital materials to my students at the end of every class and, if they want, I send them homework on the content we have seen. Cultural content also plays a significant role in my classes. I firmly believe in its power for language acquisition. Besides, I try to show a less stereotypical image of my country without avoiding the well-known elements; and I like to think that I'm a different window through which to look at Spain. In the first lesson, I try to identify what my students truly need, and I always orient activities and materials towards that direction. Moreover, I enjoy making them think, allowing them to work out the content by themselves. Before introducing a new term or verb form, I prompt them: "How do you think it’s said?". This encourages them to give their answer based on intuition, using the knowledge they already have, because we all possess a linguistic intention. Contact Do you want to know more about me or about my lessons? Copy and check this link: Or send an email to


(Description in English and Spanish) Hello there! I'm Pablo, with over 7 years of experience, working with students of all ages in both private lessons and academies. I'm here to offer you affordable online classes that are not only effective but also enjoyable. My bachelor's (English Studies) and my lifelong learning passion towards English have given me an extremely solid grasp of the language and all its technicalities. I excel in preparing students for Cambridge exams, ranging from B1 to C2 levels, and I also have extensive experience in Business English. However, I'm no stranger to a wide variety of language learning situations. If you ever have any questions or simply want to chat about how I can help you improve your English, don't hesitate to reach out! ___________________________ ¡Hola! Soy Pablo, con más de 7 años de experiencia, trabajando con estudiantes de todas las edades en clases particulares y academias. Estoy aquí para ofrecerte clases en línea asequibles que no solo son efectivas, sino también divertidas. Mi licenciatura en Estudios de Inglés y mi pasión por el aprendizaje continuo del inglés me han proporcionado un sólido dominio del idioma y todas sus complejidades. Destaco en la preparación de estudiantes para los exámenes de Cambridge, desde los niveles B1 hasta C2, y también tengo una amplia experiencia en inglés empresarial. Sin embargo, no soy ajeno a una amplia variedad de situaciones de aprendizaje de idiomas. Si alguna vez tienes preguntas o simplemente quieres hablar sobre cómo puedo ayudarte a mejorar tu inglés, ¡no dudes en ponerte en contacto!


Mi nombre es James y soy un hablante nativo de inglés de Chicago, Illinois, EEUU. He enseñado inglés en institutos y colegios y también a adultos en los últimos 5 años en España y Francia. También he trabajado en varios campamentos de inglés de verano en Francia y España con niños y adolescentes. Con adultos, me he ofrecido como voluntario en los programas de VaughnTown. Doy clases de inglés para ayudar con conversación, phrasal verbs, idioms, preparación de exámenes (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, preparar entrevistas en ingles, listening, tareas del colegio, comprensión y gramática para niños, adolescentes y adultos. Utilizo varios recursos como juegos, role play, idioms /phrasal verbs, videos, canciones, películas, artículos/revistas para que la clase sea interactiva y practica. Los alumnos aprenderán sin estar aburridos y ganaran confianza con el ingles en seguida. Tengo una licenciatura en biología y idiomas extranjeras de New Jersey. Además de mi inglés nativo, hablo español y francés con fluidez. También doy clases de francés de nivel A1-B1. Si desea mejorar su ingles o francés, no dudes en ponerse en contacto conmigo. Referencias y CV disponible a pedido. My name is James and I am native English speaker from Chicago, Illinois, USA. I have been teaching English in primary/secondary schools and adults the past 6 years in Spain and France. I have also worked in various summer English camps in France and Spain with kids and teenagers. With adults, I have volunteered with VaughnTown programs. I provide English classes for help with conversation, phrasal verbs, idioms, certified in exams such as (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, interview practice, listening, homework, comprehension and grammar for kids, teenagers, and adults. I use many resources like games, role play , idioms/phrasal verbs, speaking activities, videos, songs, films, and reading articles to make the class interactive and practical. Students will have fun and gain confidence while improving their English. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Foreign Languages from New Jersey. Besides my native English, I am also fluent in Spanish and French. I can also tutor in beginner French A1-A2. If you would like to improve your English and have fun too, don't hesitate to contact me. References/CV available upon request. Thank you.


Mi nombre es James y soy un hablante nativo de inglés de Chicago, Illinois, EEUU. He enseñado inglés en institutos y colegios y también a adultos en los últimos 5 años en España y Francia. También he trabajado en varios campamentos de inglés de verano en Francia y España con niños y adolescentes. Con adultos, me he ofrecido como voluntario en los programas de VaughnTown. Doy clases de inglés para ayudar con conversación, phrasal verbs, idioms, preparación de exámenes (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, preparar entrevistas en ingles, listening, tareas del colegio, comprensión y gramática para niños, adolescentes y adultos. Utilizo varios recursos como juegos, role play, idioms /phrasal verbs, videos, canciones, películas, artículos/revistas para que la clase sea interactiva y practica. Los alumnos aprenderán sin estar aburridos y ganaran confianza con el ingles en seguida. Tengo una licenciatura en biología y idiomas extranjeras de New Jersey. Además de mi inglés nativo, hablo español y francés con fluidez. También doy clases de francés de nivel A1-B1. Si desea mejorar su ingles o francés, no dudes en ponerse en contacto conmigo. Referencias y CV disponible a pedido. My name is James and I am native English speaker from Chicago, Illinois, USA. I have been teaching English in primary/secondary schools and adults the past 5 years in Spain and France. I have also worked in various summer English camps in France and Spain with kids and teenagers. With adults, I have volunteered with VaughnTown programs. I provide English classes for help with conversation, phrasal verbs, idioms, certified in exams such as (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, interview practice, listening, homework, comprehension and grammar for kids, teenagers, and adults. I use many resources like games, role play , idioms/phrasal verbs, speaking activities, videos, songs, films, and reading articles to make the class interactive and practical. Students will have fun and gain confidence while improving their English. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Foreign Languages from New Jersey. Besides my native English, I am also fluent in Spanish and French. I can also tutor in beginner French A1-A2. If you would like to improve your English and have fun too, don't hesitate to contact me. References/CV available upon request. Thank you


My name is James and I am native English speaker from Chicago, Illinois, USA. I have been teaching English in primary/secondary schools and adults the past 5 years in Spain and France. I have also worked in various summer English camps in France and Spain with kids and teenagers. With adults, I have volunteered with VaughnTown programs. I provide English classes for help with conversation, phrasal verbs, idioms, certified in exams such as (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, interview practice, listening, homework, comprehension and grammar for kids, teenagers, and adults. I use many resources like games, role play , idioms/phrasal verbs, speaking activities, videos, songs, films, and reading articles to make the class interactive and practical. Students will have fun and gain confidence while improving their English. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Foreign Languages from New Jersey. Besides my native English, I am also fluent in Spanish and French. I can also tutor in beginner French A1-A2. If you would like to improve your English and have fun too, don't hesitate to contact me. References/CV available upon request. Thank you Mi nombre es James y soy un hablante nativo de inglés de Chicago, Illinois, EEUU. He enseñado inglés en institutos y colegios y también a adultos en los últimos 5 años en España y Francia. También he trabajado en varios campamentos de inglés de verano en Francia y España con niños y adolescentes. Con adultos, me he ofrecido como voluntario en los programas de VaughnTown. Doy clases de inglés para ayudar con conversación, phrasal verbs, idioms, preparación de exámenes (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, preparar entrevistas en ingles, listening, tareas del colegio, comprensión y gramática para niños, adolescentes y adultos. Utilizo varios recursos como juegos, role play, idioms /phrasal verbs, videos, canciones, películas, artículos/revistas para que la clase sea interactiva y practica. Los alumnos aprenderán sin estar aburridos y ganaran confianza con el ingles en seguida. Tengo una licenciatura en biología y idiomas extranjeras de New Jersey. Además de mi inglés nativo, hablo español y francés con fluidez. También doy clases de francés de nivel A1-B1. Si desea mejorar su ingles o francés, no dudes en ponerse en contacto conmigo. Referencias y CV disponible a pedido


Mi nombre es James y soy un hablante nativo de inglés de Chicago, Illinois, EEUU. He enseñado inglés en institutos y colegios y también a adultos en los últimos 5 años en España y Francia. También he trabajado en varios campamentos de inglés de verano en Francia y España con niños y adolescentes. Con adultos, me he ofrecido como voluntario en los programas de VaughnTown. Doy clases de inglés para ayudar con conversación, phrasal verbs, idioms, preparación de exámenes (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, preparar entrevistas en ingles, listening, tareas del colegio, comprensión y gramática para niños, adolescentes y adultos. Utilizo varios recursos como juegos, role play, idioms /phrasal verbs, videos, canciones, películas, artículos/revistas para que la clase sea interactiva y practica. Los alumnos aprenderán sin estar aburridos y ganaran confianza con el ingles en seguida. Tengo una licenciatura en biología y idiomas extranjeras de New Jersey. Además de mi inglés nativo, hablo español y francés con fluidez. También doy clases de francés de nivel A1-B1. Si desea mejorar su ingles o francés, no dudes en ponerse en contacto conmigo. Referencias y CV disponible a pedido. My name is James and I am native English speaker from Chicago, Illinois, USA. I have been teaching English in primary/secondary schools and adults the past 5 years in Spain and France. I have also worked in various summer English camps in France and Spain with kids and teenagers. With adults, I have volunteered with VaughnTown programs. I provide English classes for help with conversation, phrasal verbs, idioms, certified in exams such as (KET/PET, FCE, CAE), Business English, Medical/Health Science English, interview practice, listening, homework, comprehension and grammar for kids, teenagers, and adults. I use many resources like games, role play , idioms/phrasal verbs, speaking activities, videos, songs, films, and reading articles to make the class interactive and practical. Students will have fun and gain confidence while improving their English. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Foreign Languages from New Jersey. Besides my native English, I am also fluent in Spanish and French. I can also tutor in beginner French A1-A2. If you would like to improve your English and have fun too, don't hesitate to contact me. References/CV available upon request. Thank you


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? Join me for an intensive and personalized one-on-one online course this July. With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling in my intensive one-on-one online course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture.


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? Join me for an intensive and personalized one-on-one online course this July. With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling in my intensive one-on-one online course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture.


???????? ¡Mejora tus habilidades de comunicación en inglés a través del poder del improv! ????????? Conoce a Melinda Chilton, una talentosa profesora de improv que cree en el impacto transformador de las habilidades de improv como habilidades para la vida. Y una habilidad vital que todos compartimos es la comunicación. ???? La pasión de Melinda por el improv y el aprendizaje de idiomas proviene de su trasfondo multicultural. Creció en Estados Unidos con herencia polaca, y su familia solía jugar y contar historias para ayudar a sus bisabuelos a practicar el inglés como segundo idioma. ?????? Ahora, con sede en el epicentro del entretenimiento en Los Ángeles, California, Melinda ha dedicado más de una década al estudio, la enseñanza y la actuación de improv. Ella sabe por experiencia propia que los juegos y ejercicios de improv son la clave para perfeccionar tus habilidades de conversación en inglés. ????????? ¿Y lo mejor? Las clases de Melinda están disponibles en línea a través de Zoom, lo que las hace accesibles para estudiantes de todas las zonas horarias. ????? ¿Estás listo para embarcarte en un emocionante viaje de aprendizaje y risas? Únete a la clase mensual de improv de Melinda por solo 130 euros y sumérgete en una forma atractiva y divertida de practicar la conversación en inglés. ???????? ¡Pero espera, hay más! Marca tu calendario para un regalo especial. Melinda ofrece una clase introductoria GRATUITA el martes 25 de julio, exclusivamente en Zoom. ???????? Visita para inscribirte en la clase introductoria del 25 de julio o si tienes alguna pregunta. ¡No te pierdas esta fantástica oportunidad de mejorar tus habilidades en inglés mientras te diviertes con el improv! ???????????? Para consultas, comunícate con Melinda en ????????


Soy de California con una Licenciatura en Lingüística de la Universidad de California, Los Angeles y certificado de Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidad de California, San Diego. Soy 100% Bilingüe. Soy profesora de Inglés con experiencia de más de 20 años impartiendo a todas las edades, niveles en empresas de renombre a grupos y clases privadas. Soy examinadora certificada de Cambridge para PET, FCE y CAE. Mi objetivo es que el alumno se sienta motivado y en constante interacción dentro de una actividad interesante, divertida y útil. Manteniendo la constancia y la disciplina se obtienen satisfactorios resultados de mejora. Mi experiencia se desarrolla en una amplia y extensa gama: Clases de inglés particulares - para individuos (todas las edades) y empresas. Clases en grupo en academias, escuelas de idiomas, empresas. Preparación de exámenes oficiales Cursos intensivos de inmersión, conversación, inglés de negocios, inglés comercial. Simulaciones de desempeño en el trabajo para potenciales candidatos y entrevistas para candidatos en inglés. Análisis de rendimiento. Asesoramiento para presentaciones (orales/escritas) Traducción de web, manuales, cartas y todo tipo de documento, e Interpretación en conferencias, reuniones, etc. Estoy aquí para ayudarte y facilitarte las herramientas para mejorar, está en ti poner la energía y la dedicación para alcanzar tus metas! Cualquier pregunta no duden en contactarme


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? Join me for an intensive and personalized one-on-one online course this July. With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling in my intensive one-on-one online course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture.


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? Join me for an intensive and personalized one-on-one online course this July. With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling in my intensive one-on-one online course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture.


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? Join me for an intensive and personalized one-on-one online course this July. With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling in my intensive one-on-one online course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture.


Clases DIVERTIDAS con NATIVA del Reino Unido! ¿Estás cansado de las aburridas clases de gramática que no se te quedan en la cabeza? ¿Cómo funcionan las clases? ¡TU ELIGES LO QUE ESTUDIARÁS! ¡Y TE DIVERTIRÁS! Después de la primera clase de prueba, miramos tu nivel. Si tienes un nivel principiante (A1 / A2) comenzamos siguiendo un curso estructurado. Si tienes un nivel intermedio (B1 / B2) o un nivel avanzado (C1) puedes elegir entre: - Clases de conversación general con juegos. - Un curso estructurado a tu nivel. - Una mezcla de clases estructuradas de tu nivel, con juegos y clases de conversación general. - Una mezcla de clases estructuradas de tu nivel con clases de conversación general y juegos, así como la opción de revisar algunas cosas de niveles inferiores sobre las que tienes dudas. Obtendrás una lista de elementos lingüísticos y podrás seleccionar cualquier materia de cada nivel que desees repasar. - Trabajar en algo específico / personal, es decir, un proyecto personal o algo para el trabajo, como presentaciones o traducción de trabajos académicos. - Trabajar en algo específico; personal / para el trabajo con una mezcla de curso / conversación estructurados y cubriendo cosas de niveles inferiores. Todas las clases están diseñadas de forma visualmente sencilla y divertida para que sean fáciles de seguir y no te aburras. Estoy calificada para TEFL pero, más importante, creo que para estar motivado para aprender algo, ¡tiene que ser DIVERTIDO! ¡Pasa la clase feliz hablando, riendo, jugando, disfrutando de la vida e incluso aprendiendo un poco de inglés también! Estoy en Gracia. ¡Primera clase solo 10 €! Después de pagar/abonar las clases por paquetes, cuántas más reserves, mayor será el descuento que recibas. Yo también hablo español por si acaso :)


¿Está interesado en mejorar su inglés este verano? ¿Quizás necesitas mejorar tu inglés rápidamente por motivos de trabajo o de viaje? Si necesitas mejorar rápidamente en un entorno dinámico y de apoyo, tengo un historial probado de ayudar a los estudiantes a aumentar su confianza, fluidez y precisión. Me llamo Claudia y soy de Londres pero me mudé a la preciosa Barcelona hace 5 años. Enseño Inglés de Negocios a estudiantes de toda España y actualmente estoy buscando algunos estudiantes privados para complementar mi horario durante el verano (con la posibilidad de continuar en el próximo trimestre). Soy una entusiasta de la lengua inglesa y me encanta encontrar nuevas formas de enseñar el idioma. Disfruto conociendo a mis alumnos y apoyándoles en su viaje de aprendizaje ayudándoles a identificar sus objetivos y creando lecciones que les motiven a comunicarse en inglés. Olvídate de aburridos ejercicios de gramática que no tienen relación con tu vida real; ¡el verdadero aprendizaje tiene lugar cuando tienes una razón para comunicarte! *CUALIFICACIONES: Tengo una licenciatura en literatura inglesa, así como un postgrado en Educación y el Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English to Adults. Nivel intermedio de español. *EXPERIENCIA: 10 años de experiencia enseñando en escuelas y museos en el Reino Unido y 5 años enseñando inglés en Barcelona. En los últimos años he trabajado con estudiantes con formación en Derecho, Marketing, Gestión Inmobiliaria, Ingeniería, y muchos otros. También he entrenado a estudiantes para conseguir con éxito el certificado First y Advanced. METODOLOGÍA: Identificar los objetivos del estudiante y utilizar un enfoque comunicativo con una variedad de material del mundo real (artículos, videos, juegos de rol). ¡Te prometo que no te aburrirás! Espero tener noticias tuyas para concertar tu primera clase. 20 € p/h +631 31 31 53 Lea las reseñas de mis estudiantes aquí:


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? Join me for an intensive and personalized one-on-one online course this July. With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling in my intensive one-on-one online course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture.


Hi there! My name is Lynnette, and I offer online English lessons and conversations for anyone looking to improve their language skills. I charge15 euros per hour and provide full materials to enhance your learning experience. I offer availability in both morning and afternoon to cater to your working schedule. My classes are dynamic, interactive, and personalized to meet your specific needs ( job interview or practical experience). During the lessons, you'll have the opportunity to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, and receive feedback on your progress. As a qualified Tefl and TESOL English teacher, I utilize a variety of teaching methods to ensure that each lesson is engaging and motivating. I am confident that you will find my classes beneficial in improving your English proficiency. Please feel free to check out reviews from my satisfied students on my website or you can email me and I can send you my to the page. Also check out my free tips and Instagram page Take the first step towards and join me! ¡Hola! ¡Encantada! Mi nombre es Lynnette y ofrezco clases y conversaciones de inglés en línea para aquellos que deseen mejorar sus habilidades lingüísticas. Cobro 15 euros por hora y proporciono materiales completos para enriquecer tu experiencia de aprendizaje. Ofrezco disponibilidad tanto en la mañana como en la tarde para adaptarme a tu horario de trabajo. Mis clases son dinámicas, interactivas y personalizadas para satisfacer tus necesidades específicas, ya sea para una entrevista de trabajo o adquirir experiencia práctica. Durante las lecciones, tendrás la oportunidad de practicar habilidades de habla, escuchar, lectura y escritura, además de recibir ''feedback'' sobre tu progreso. Como profesora de inglés calificada con certificación Tefl y TESOL, utilizo una variedad de métodos de enseñanza para asegurar que cada lección sea interesante y motivadora. Estoy segura de que encontrarás mis clases interactivas para mejorar tu dominio del inglés. No dudes en verificar las opiniones de mis estudiantes satisfechos en mi sitio web o, si prefieres, puedes enviarme un correo electrónico y te enviaré el enlace. También puedes visitar mis tips gratuitos y mi página de Instagram en ¡Da el primer paso y únete!


Hola, me llamo Zach y soy profesor titulado bilingüe de los EEUU. Tengo 8 años de experiencia como profesor de historia/geografía en inglés y en dar clases particulares de inglés a jóvenes hasta adultos. He trabajado en varios colegios estadounidenses y españoles (públicos y privados). ¿Buscas clases de refuerzo para aprobar el ingles en el colegio? ¿Buscas conseguir un certificado B2 o C1 en el inglés con los exámenes Cambridge? O simplemente, ¿buscas trabajar en tus habilidades de conversación en inglés? Yo puedo ayudarte a conseguir tus metas :) Ofrezco: - Clases particulares/de refuerzo en inglés (con una especialización en 1ESO - 2 Bachillerato) - Clases de preparación para los exámenes Cambridge First Certificate (B2) y Advanced (C1) - Clases de Business English para profesionales - Clases de conversación general (adaptadas para todos niveles) ¡En el último curso 2021-2022, el 96% de mis alumnos aprobaron los exámenes Cambridge de First Certificate y Advanced! Mis clases están basadas en el desarrollo del inglés a través del “speaking”, con ejercicios de gramática y vocabulario para reforzar conceptos cuando sean necesarios. ¡Estoy convencido de que la mejor manera de aprender un segundo idioma es a través de la comunicación! Ofrezco por Skype/Zoom/Teams/Meets a individuos o a grupos pequeños Si tienes alguna consulta o quieres más información, ¡no dudes en contactarte conmigo! (Contacto via WhatsApp preferible)


If you want to speak spanish fluently, being more confident at you own pace YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. I’m here to help you to speed up your Spanish. Im a Native Teacher with + 12 years experience teaching in Language Schools & International Schools. Certified by Instituto Cervantes, ICF and the Society of NLP. As a Neurolanguage Coach & teacher I distinguish myself from traditional teachers in traditional teaching methods where I prepare my clients according to their ability and needs, requirements and individual deficiencies, involving 100% of each student in the design and planning of their own course. I can promise you will get results quickly. VISIT my website to check the reviews of my Students (+200) The best way 2 be fluent. English, French & Italian spoken My programs are for you if : You are looking for a multilingual and a highly experienced teacher . You have no time to waste just following a book without methodology with an unexperienced You want strategies to improve faster. You prefer to make the most of every minute. You are not looking for an amateur "teacher" with no experience. You need to learn Spanish as soon as possible. You want 100% personalized attention. You start from scratch, but you want to move fast. You know some Spanish, but you want to speak fluently. You are looking for a learning method that motivates you and you need facilities and flexibility with schedules WWW.SPANISHONE2ONE.COM You can contact over WhatsApp without any obligation. All Material is included. Groups & individuals.


SPANISH PRO ! If you want to speak spanish fluently, being more confident at you own pace YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. I’m here to help you to speed up your Spanish. Im a Native Teacher with + 12 years experience teaching in Language Schools & International Schools. Certified by Instituto Cervantes, ICF and the Society of NLP. As a Neurolanguage Coach & teacher I distinguish myself from traditional teachers in traditional teaching methods where I prepare my clients according to their ability and needs, requirements and individual deficiencies, involving 100% of each student in the design and planning of their own course. I can promise you will get results quickly. VISIT my website to check the reviews of my Students (+200) The best way 2 be fluent. English, French & Italian spoken My programs are for you if : You are looking for a multilingual and a highly experienced teacher . You have no time to waste just following a book without methodology with an unexperienced You want strategies to improve faster. You prefer to make the most of every minute. You are not looking for an amateur "teacher" with no experience. You need to learn Spanish as soon as possible. You want 100% personalized attention. You start from scratch, but you want to move fast. You know some Spanish, but you want to speak fluently. You are looking for a learning method that motivates you and you need facilities and flexibility with schedules WWW.SPANISHONE2ONE.COM You can contact over WhatsApp without any obligation. All Material is included. Groups & individuals.


SPANISH PRO ! If you want to speak spanish fluently, being more confident at you own pace YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. I’m here to help you to speed up your Spanish. Im a Native Teacher with + 12 years experience teaching in Language Schools & International Schools. Certified by Instituto Cervantes, ICF and the Society of NLP. As a Neurolanguage Coach & teacher I distinguish myself from traditional teachers in traditional teaching methods where I prepare my clients according to their ability and needs, requirements and individual deficiencies, involving 100% of each student in the design and planning of their own course. I can promise you will get results quickly. VISIT my website to check the reviews of my Students (+200) The best way 2 be fluent. English, French & Italian spoken My programs are for you if : You are looking for a multilingual and a highly experienced teacher . You have no time to waste just following a book without methodology with an unexperienced You want strategies to improve faster. You prefer to make the most of every minute. You are not looking for an amateur "teacher" with no experience. You need to learn Spanish as soon as possible. You want 100% personalized attention. You start from scratch, but you want to move fast. You know some Spanish, but you want to speak fluently. You are looking for a learning method that motivates you and you need facilities and flexibility with schedules WWW.SPANISHONE2ONE.COM You can contact over WhatsApp without any obligation. All Material is included. Groups & individuals.


SPANISH PRO ! If you want to speak spanish fluently, being more confident at you own pace YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. I’m here to help you to speed up your Spanish. Im a Native Teacher with + 12 years experience teaching in Language Schools & International Schools. Certified by Instituto Cervantes, ICF and the Society of NLP. As a Neurolanguage Coach & teacher I distinguish myself from traditional teachers in traditional teaching methods where I prepare my clients according to their ability and needs, requirements and individual deficiencies, involving 100% of each student in the design and planning of their own course. I can promise you will get results quickly. VISIT my website to check the reviews of my Students (+200) The best way 2 be fluent. English, French & Italian spoken My programs are for you if : You are looking for a multilingual and a highly experienced teacher . You have no time to waste just following a book without methodology with an unexperienced You want strategies to improve faster. You prefer to make the most of every minute. You are not looking for an amateur "teacher" with no experience. You need to learn Spanish as soon as possible. You want 100% personalized attention. You start from scratch, but you want to move fast. You know some Spanish, but you want to speak fluently. You are looking for a learning method that motivates you and you need facilities and flexibility with schedules WWW.SPANISHONE2ONE.COM You can contact over WhatsApp without any obligation. All Material is included. Groups & individuals.