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Salut! Soy un profesor de inglés entusiasta y experimentado que actualmente vive en el área de Gracia de Barcelona y tengo 7 años de experiencia enseñando inglés. Ofrezco clases en línea a través de las aplicaciones Zoom, Skype y Teams. En mis puestos hasta ahora, he trabajado con personas de todas las edades, incluidos niños, adolescentes y adultos de hasta 80 años, para fomentar una forma más natural y atractiva de aprender inglés. Tengo experiencia preparándome para los exámenes IELTS, Advanced and First, así como preparándome para viajes al extranjero. Me concentro en el lenguaje emergente y en involucrarme con los intereses naturales de mis alumnos, ¡me gusta aprender de mis alumnos tanto como espero que ellos aprendan de mí! Si no está seguro de qué estudiar, no se preocupe, puedo presentar temas que ayudan a desarrollar habilidades funcionales y productivas. Mis lecciones incluyen videos, audición, material auténtico y los últimos métodos en la enseñanza del inglés. Tengo un buen nivel de español y catalán básico. pero trate de mantener el inglés en el aula para aumentar la familiaridad. Mediante el uso de presentaciones interactivas, juegos y proyectos, podemos alcanzar un nivel de fluidez con el que esté satisfecho y corrija los errores antiguos. Estoy calificado para CELTA y TEFL con experiencia en la enseñanza para muchos propósitos diferentes, desde clases de examen hasta solo para disfrutar. También enseño producción musical, piano y guitarra en inglés.


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling in my intensive one-on-one online course today! You can check my website Best Regards!


Are you ready to take your professional English skills to the next level? As an experienced Business English coach trained in the Vaughan Method, I specialise in helping professionals communicate confidently and effectively in the business world. What I Offer: Interview Preparation: Master key questions, refine your answers, and feel confident in interviews. Presentation Review and Coaching: Get expert feedback on your presentations to ensure clarity, impact, and confidence. Business Communication Skills: Improve your ability to write emails, lead meetings, and handle phone conversations with fluency and professionalism. Negotiation Practice: Sharpen your negotiation skills with real-life scenarios and personalised strategies. Cross-Cultural Communication: Learn to navigate cultural differences in global business environments, ensuring your message is understood across borders. Networking and Small Talk: Practice building rapport and engaging in professional small talk to make strong business connections. Time Management & Productivity Discussions: Learn key phrases and vocabulary to talk about productivity, deadlines, and managing your workload. I tailor each session to meet your specific needs and goals, ensuring that you get the practical, hands-on experience you need to succeed in your career. Whether you’re preparing for a major presentation, seeking to improve your interview performance, or want to polish your day-to-day business English, I’m here to help.


ENGLISH: Hey there! I’m Auris. Growing up in Ireland and teaching English in Barcelona for the past 10 years has really fueled my passion for languages and helping others learn. I’m here to help you reach your English goals, whether it’s improving your conversation skills, acing exams, or just feeling more confident. It’s all about you. I love meeting people and finding helping you on your way. I tailor each lesson to meet your needs and help you overcome any learning difficulties. I’ve found that native Spanish speakers often face specific challenges when learning English, and I’m here to help you with those. Some of my students tell me they make more progress in months with me than they did in years elsewhere. It normally happens when I manage to connect with the student, open them up to a new approach in learning and showing them that it is in fact quite possible to learn a lot if we make a small effort consistently. I try to do my best with my students and I really enjoy seeing their progress. CASTELLANO: ¡Hola! Soy Auris. Criado en Irlanda y con 10 años enseñando inglés en Barcelona, tengo una gran pasión por los idiomas y por ayudar a otros a aprender. Estoy aquí para ayudarte a alcanzar tus metas en inglés, ya sea mejorar tus habilidades de conversación, aprobar exámenes o simplemente ganar más confianza. Todo gira en torno a ti. Me encanta conocer gente y ayudarte en tu camino. Adapto cada clase para satisfacer tus necesidades y ayudarte a superar cualquier dificultad de aprendizaje. He descubierto que los hablantes nativos de español a menudo enfrentan desafíos específicos al aprender inglés, y estoy aquí para ayudarte con ellos. Algunos de mis estudiantes me dicen que progresan más en meses conmigo que en años en otros lugares. Esto suele suceder cuando logro conectar con el estudiante, abrirlo a un nuevo enfoque de aprendizaje y mostrarle que es posible aprender mucho con pequeños esfuerzos constantes. Hago lo mejor que pueda para mis estudiantes y realmente disfruto viendo su progreso.


**Prepárate para el examen FCE – ¡Primera clase GRATIS!** ¿Te estás preparando para el **FCE (First Certificate in English)**? Ofrecemos clases especializadas para ayudarte a aprobar el examen con éxito. Con un enfoque práctico y personalizado, te guiaremos a través de cada parte del examen para que te sientas seguro el día de la prueba. **Lo que ofrecemos:** - **PRIMERA CLASE GRATIS** para que puedas probar nuestras lecciones - Clases enfocadas en todas las secciones del FCE: lectura, escritura, uso del inglés, escucha y conversación - Materiales de práctica actualizados y dinámicos - Correcciones constantes para mejorar tu nivel rápidamente - Horarios flexibles en las tardes y noches No importa si necesitas clases **individuales** o prefieres **clases grupales**, ¡estamos aquí para ayudarte a lograr tu objetivo! **Contacta a Li al: +34 662 67 91 24 o** para reservar tu *PRIMERA CLASE GRATIS* y empieza a preparar tu FCE hoy mismo. --- **Prepare for the FCE Exam – First Class Free!** Are you getting ready for the **FCE (First Certificate in English)** exam? We offer specialized classes to help you pass successfully. With a practical and personalized approach, we’ll guide you through each part of the exam so you feel confident on test day. **What we offer:** - *FIRST CLASS FREE* so you can try out our lessons - Classes focused on all FCE sections: reading, writing, use of English, listening, and speaking - Updated and dynamic practice materials - Constant feedback to improve your level quickly - Flexible schedules in the afternoons and evenings Whether you need **individual** lessons or prefer **group classes**, we’re here to help you reach your goal! **Contact Li at: +34 662 67 91 24 or** to book your *FIRST FREE CLASS* and start preparing for your FCE today. .


*Join Our Conversational and Business English Classes – Afternoon and Evening Sessions in the Sagrada Familia Area!* Looking to improve your English in a supportive, face-to-face environment? We offer **conversational English** and **business English** classes every afternoon and evening in the **Sagrada Familia area**. Whether you're looking for **one-on-one** lessons or prefer **group classes**, we've got you covered. *What we offer:* - **Conversational English** to help you feel confident in everyday situations - **Business English** for professionals looking to advance in their careers - **Flexible schedules** in the afternoons and evenings to suit your availability - **Face-to-face** learning in the heart of the **Sagrada Familia area** Take your English to the next level with dynamic, in-person classes tailored to your needs. *Contact Li at: +34 662 67 91 24 or* to book your spot! -------------------------------------- *Únete a nuestras clases de inglés conversacional y de negocios – Sesiones por la tarde y noche en el área de Sagrada Familia!* ¿Quieres mejorar tu inglés en un ambiente de apoyo y cara a cara? Ofrecemos clases de **inglés conversacional** y **inglés de negocios** todas las tardes y noches en el **área de Sagrada Familia**. Ya sea que busques lecciones **individuales** o prefieras **clases grupales**, ¡tenemos lo que necesitas! *Lo que ofrecemos:* - **Inglés conversacional** para ayudarte a sentirte seguro en situaciones cotidianas - **Inglés de negocios** para profesionales que buscan avanzar en sus carreras - **Horarios flexibles** por las tardes y noches para adaptarse a tu disponibilidad - Aprendizaje **cara a cara** en el corazón del **área de Sagrada Familia** Lleva tu inglés al siguiente nivel con clases dinámicas y presenciales, diseñadas para ti. *Contacta a Li al: +34 662 67 91 24 o* para reservar tu lugar.


Soy instructor certificado de TESOL/TEFL y ofrezco preparación para los exámenes IELTS y TOEFL para ayudarte a alcanzar tus puntuaciones deseadas. Tengo una licenciatura en Administración de Empresas y más de cinco años de experiencia enseñando inglés en línea. Mi experiencia radica en enseñar a adultos inglés de negocios, inglés conversacional, inglés general y preparación para los exámenes IELTS y TOEFL. También ofrezco cursos de lectura, escritura, comprensión auditiva, expresión oral y gramática, todos adaptados a las necesidades individuales. Soy hablante nativo de inglés y español; nací en Panamá y viví la mayor parte de mi vida en los Estados Unidos. Mi experiencia bilingüe me permite conectar con una amplia variedad de estudiantes y proporcionar una experiencia de aprendizaje más completa. Mi enfoque de enseñanza asegura que los estudiantes puedan comunicarse con fluidez y confianza en inglés, al tiempo que aprenden a pensar en el idioma. Evalúo las debilidades específicas de cada estudiante y adapto las lecciones a sus necesidades individuales para ayudarlos a alcanzar sus objetivos de la manera más eficiente posible. Como profesor de ESL cualificado y experimentado con una sólida formación empresarial, utilizo metodologías modernas para ayudarte a convertirte en un hablante seguro y fluido de inglés en todos los aspectos. Y para que comiences, **¡la primera clase es gratis!** +34 662 67 91 24


**¡Alcanza tus sueños de hablar inglés con confianza!** Soy un tutor privado de inglés que ofrece clases en línea exclusivamente para estudiantes adultos. Me especializo en inglés de negocios, habilidades interpersonales en el ámbito empresarial e inglés general, con un enfoque fuerte en hablar y pensar en inglés. Mis clases son dinámicas, comunicativas y están diseñadas para simular situaciones reales de negocios y de la vida cotidiana en inglés. Soy instructor certificado de TESOL/TEFL y ofrezco preparación para los exámenes IELTS y TOEFL para ayudarte a alcanzar tus puntuaciones deseadas. Tengo una licenciatura en Administración de Empresas y más de cinco años de experiencia enseñando inglés en línea. Mi experiencia radica en enseñar a adultos inglés de negocios, inglés conversacional, inglés general y preparación para los exámenes IELTS y TOEFL. También ofrezco cursos de lectura, escritura, comprensión auditiva, expresión oral y gramática, todos adaptados a las necesidades individuales. Soy hablante nativo de inglés y español; nací en Panamá y viví la mayor parte de mi vida en los Estados Unidos. Mi experiencia bilingüe me permite conectar con una amplia variedad de estudiantes y proporcionar una experiencia de aprendizaje más completa. Mi enfoque de enseñanza asegura que los estudiantes puedan comunicarse con fluidez y confianza en inglés, al tiempo que aprenden a pensar en el idioma. Evalúo las debilidades específicas de cada estudiante y adapto las lecciones a sus necesidades individuales para ayudarlos a alcanzar sus objetivos de la manera más eficiente posible. Como profesor de ESL cualificado y experimentado con una sólida formación empresarial, utilizo metodologías modernas para ayudarte a convertirte en un hablante seguro y fluido de inglés en todos los aspectos. Y para que comiences, **¡la primera clase es gratis!** +34 662 67 91 24


I am a native British English speaker with over 34 years of experience teaching English as a foreign language to professionals, multinational companies, and educational institutions. I offer lessons both online and in person, covering all levels from A1 to C2. My teaching approach is tailored to meet the unique needs of each learner, ensuring that lessons are engaging, effective, and aligned with their specific goals. Whether you're preparing for exams, improving your business communication skills, or simply looking to enhance your conversational English, I provide comprehensive support and guidance. With a deep understanding of language acquisition and a commitment to helping students succeed, I strive to create a learning environment that is both supportive and challenging. Soy hablante nativo de inglés británico con más de 34 años de experiencia enseñando inglés como lengua extranjera a profesionales, empresas multinacionales e instituciones educativas. Ofrezco clases tanto en línea como presenciales, cubriendo todos los niveles desde A1 hasta C2. Mi enfoque de enseñanza está adaptado para satisfacer las necesidades únicas de cada estudiante, asegurando que las lecciones sean atractivas, efectivas y alineadas con sus objetivos específicos. Ya sea que estés preparándote para exámenes, mejorando tus habilidades de comunicación en el ámbito empresarial o simplemente buscando mejorar tu inglés conversacional, brindo un apoyo y una orientación completos. Con un profundo conocimiento de la adquisición del lenguaje y un compromiso con el éxito de los estudiantes, me esfuerzo por crear un ambiente de aprendizaje que sea tanto de apoyo como desafiante.


About Us: At Yolk Academy, we are leaders in business language training, offering tailor-made courses that seamlessly integrate with our clients' daily work routines. Our mission is to build language confidence through personalized courses, empowering teams to use their language skills naturally and fluently in professional settings. We cater to companies of all sizes across various industries, providing high-value language courses. What sets us apart is our unique methodology that prioritizes efficient use of time, recognizing its importance as one of the most valuable assets for individuals. Through flexible and dynamic classes tailored to the real needs of teams, we aim to optimize learning outcomes. We thoroughly study each client's core business to create customized content, ensuring 100% adaptation to their unique requirements. Who We Are Looking For: Yolk Academy is seeking a passionate and dynamic freelance Spanish teacher with a native level of proficiency. If you have experience teaching interactive Spanish classes for companies and are excited about creating engaging learning experiences, we want to hear from you! Requirements: - Native-level proficiency in Spanish. - Previous experience teaching in-company Spanish classes. - Strong organizational skills and a dynamic approach to teaching. - Must be located in Spain with valid Spanish working papers (NIE/DNI and Social Security Number). - Must be a Freelance/Autonomo How to Apply: If you're interested in joining our team, please send your CV and current availability to We can't wait to hear from you and explore the possibilities of working together!


The British School of Gavà is seeking to appoint a Substitute Teacher for an immediate start on a fixed term/part time basis. We are looking for an enthusiastic and well organised individual with excellent subject knowledge who is able inspire pupils to learn and has a desire and willingness to teach in Primary & Secondary. Key responsibilities: - To cover planned and unexpected teacher absences in the school, as directed by the cover manager. - To deliver high quality teaching and learning in line with the UK National Curriculum and local requirements. - To plan, feedback and teach in line with school and departmental procedures. - To plan, prepare and deliver schemes of work in accordance with school policies. - To maintain a working knowledge of National Curriculum & other documents. - To conduct termly interviews with parents to discuss and explain their child’s performance and progress in school. - To provide and maintain an attractive and stimulating environment in which to foster effective teaching and learning. - To monitor progress and the effectiveness of class work and to evaluate and modify planning and teaching as necessary. The British School of Gava is part of the Inspired Education Group that offers academic excellence to over 80,000 students in over 110 schools across 24 countries. The international group of leading, premium schools utilises best educational practices from every corner of the globe to ensure each student receives a first-class learning experience, from Kindergarten to Year 13.


Due to an unexpected high level of new students and sign ups we're looking for two new teachers. Teachers needed for this new school year. First Page is a school located in the center of Barcelona. We offer classes on and off site as well as extracurricular classes in public schools, private classes to both adults and kids as well as nurseries. Courses run from now to the 20th of June. Possibility of continuing next year. Christmas and Easter holidays paid. Applicants must: Be committed to begin and finish the school year. Please refrain from applying if you’re not available for the whole year. Native-level English + understanding of Catalan/Spanish Have a positive, committed, and dynamic attitude. Minimum 1 year of experience. Experience with babies is a plus. Teamwork skills. CELTA or TOEFL. We need a teacher for the following timetable: 2 positions available: classes mon-thurs 16:30 - 18:00 with primary kids (1 class a day) part-time position on site mon-thurs 16:00 - 19:00 with kids aged 3-16 (average 10 hours) + private classes. Typical timetable would be Monday - Thursday: 16:30-18:00 but there’s the possibility of more. With the possibility for more hours in terms of privates, lunch time classes etc We’re offering: A fun, supportive environment access to the school's resources Trainings and possibilities to learn and grow your teaching skills possibility of working Christmas/Easter/summer camps contract from the 16th of september - 20th of june 17€/hour. Applicants must send a copy of their CV as well as a covering letter to Please make sure to let us know your availability and which position you’re applying for.


The British College of Gavá is a forward-thinking and innovative school situated just south of the city of Barcelona. We have recently been awarded IB World School status. The school is rapidly expanding and is searching for proactive, passionate, highly effective classroom practitioners to join the growing team. An exciting opportunity has arisen for a French teacher to join the school’s well-established Modern Foreign Language department. The role would be for KS2 and KS3 French groups. KS4 and KS5 teaching would certainly be available in future years. Candidates should have a strong background working with UK National Curriculum, preferably with sound knowledge and understanding of working with EAL learners, as well as a creative outlook to bring learning to life. Applicants should be UK trained, have at least 2 years post qualification experience working in a school, be native-level French speakers. Key responsibilities: - To prepare, provide and review class or subject based activities that maximize opportunities for student learning. - To plan lessons by agreed deadlines in agreed formats and to ensure that copies of planning are available to interested parties. - To show good subject knowledge and to share this with other staff when appropriate. - To provide a stimulating ordered classroom environment where time and resources are used well. - To respond promptly and constructively to pupils’ work. - To involve students in the target setting process. - To set homework that consolidates and extends classroom learning and that is based on individual need. - To ensure the good behaviour of students and to develop within them positive attitudes towards peers, adults, property and school work. - To maintain effective records of pupil progress and to ensure the transfer of up to date records when pupils change classes or school. - To develop and maintain a good home-school partnership; - To contribute to a whole school team approach.


The British College of Gava ( an IB World School, near Barcelona is seeking to appoint an exceptional full-time teacher of Science who would take a lead in the school`s Education for Sustainable Development Programme, teaching ESD at KS3 and ESS at DP level as well as some general science. The position is for October 2024. This is an exciting opportunity to be part of our new purpose built, expanding school with exceptional facilities. We are looking for an enthusiastic and well organised individual with excellent subject knowledge who is able inspire pupils to learn and has a desire and willingness to teach through Years 7 to 13. Experience of IGCSE and/or IBDP would be a distinctive advantage. Key responsibilities: - To prepare, provide and review class or subject based activities that maximize opportunities for student learning. - To plan lessons by agreed deadlines in agreed formats and to ensure that copies of planning are available to interested parties. - To show good subject knowledge and to share this with other staff when appropriate. - To provide a stimulating ordered classroom environment where time and resources are used well.To respond promptly and constructively to pupils’ work. - To involve students in the target setting process. - To set homework that consolidates and extends classroom learning and that is based on individual need. - To ensure the good behaviour of students and to develop within them positive attitudes towards peers, adults, property and school work. - To maintain effective records of pupil progress and to ensure the transfer of up to date records when pupils change classes or school. - To develop and maintain a good home-school partnership; - To contribute to a whole school team approach.


The British College of Gava ( an IB World School, near Barcelona is seeking to appoint an exceptional full-time Mathematics teacher to teach across KS3, GCSE and IBDP AI and AA Mathematics groups for one year. This role is a paternity cover and the successful candidate would be joining an excellent team. The position is for September 2024 and initially for one year. This is an exciting opportunity to be part of our new purpose built, expanding school with exceptional facilities. We are looking for an enthusiastic and well organised individual with excellent subject knowledge who is able to inspire pupils to learn and has a desire and willingness to contribute to the wider curriculum too. Experience of IGCSE/ A Level and/or IBDP is essential. We are a growing school looking for potential leaders as well as excellent teachers. The successful candidate will be a highly committed team player with the drive, energy and passion to develop this forward-looking school.  Key Responsibilities: - To prepare, provide and review class or subject based activities that maximize opportunities for student learning.            - To plan lessons by agreed deadlines in agreed formats and to ensure that copies of planning are available to interested parties.            - To show good subject knowledge and to share this with other staff when appropriate. - To provide a stimulating ordered classroom environment where time and resources are used well. - To respond promptly and constructively to pupils’ work.           - To involve students in the target setting process. - To set homework that consolidates and extends classroom learning and that is based on individual need.           - To ensure the good behaviour of students and to develop within them positive attitudes towards peers, adults, property and school work.           - To maintain effective records of pupil progress and to ensure the transfer of up to date records when pupils change classes or school.           - To develop and maintain a good home-school partnership; to consult with and inform parents of the progress, attainment and attitudes of their children. - To contribute to a whole school team approach.


Due to an unexpected volume of students, we're in need of one more teacher to join our wonderful team at First Page English School. Teachers needed for this new school year. First Page is a school located in the center of Barcelona. We offer classes on and off site as well as extracurricular classes in public schools, private classes to both adults and kids as well as nurseries. Courses run from now to the 20th of June. Possibility of continuing next year. Christmas and Easter holidays paid. Applicants must: Be committed to begin and finish the school year. Please refrain from applying if you’re not available for the whole year. Native-level English + understanding of Catalan/Spanish Have a positive, committed, and dynamic attitude. Minimum 1 year of experience. Experience with babies is a plus. Teamwork skills. CELTA or TOEFL. We need a teacher for the following timetable: 2 positions available: classes mon-thurs 16:30 - 18:00 with primary kids (1 class a day) part-time position on site mon-thurs 16:00 - 19:00 with kids aged 3-16 (average 10 hours) + private classes. Typical timetable would be Monday - Thursday: 16:30-18:00 but there’s the possibility of more. With the possibility for more hours in terms of privates, lunch time classes etc We’re offering: A fun, supportive environment access to the school's resources Trainings and possibilities to learn and grow your teaching skills possibility of working Christmas/Easter/summer camps contract from the 16th of september - 20th of june 17€/hour. Applicants must send a copy of their CV as well as a covering letter to Please make sure to let us know your availability and which position you’re applying for.


After four years as a recruiter working closely with teachers, looking at tens of CVs everyday from teaching professionals all over the world I've come to recognise the importance of that first email, the CV and the cover letter. For this reason, to help more teachers get better jobs, faster and with less effort, I'd like to offer a new set of services you might be interested in: MyCV+ Our services start from 10€ We offer a free revision of your CV so you can find out if you need us.Please let me know if you would like a free review. Hey! We could improve various aspects of your CV and cover letter. Here are our prices, they exclude IVA. Professional CV makeover (only design) CV+ 20€ We move your CV content to a bright more dynamic design that will guarantee more callbacks and more job offers. Professional CV makeover (design+content check) CV++ 30€ We move your CV to a bright more dynamic design + we improve the content where needed. Secure job positions more easily with guaranteed results. Cover letter / first Email - 10€ Your first email should be perfect. Use ours. Translate your CV Spanish/English 30€ Sometimes employers prefer a certain language, this is especially true of smaller companies. CV+++ All of the above services: 55€ (translation, content review, design) Professional CV from scratch 50€ Sometimes it's best to begin again. We will write your CV from scratch in English or in Spanish. Add work experience (Lesson planning, course making, teaching) *free If you would like specific work experience to put on your CV, let us know. Mock interview with feedback 80€

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