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Hello! My name is Omar and I'm an English teacher with more than 7 years of experience. I have an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing and obtained my TEFL certificate in Spain in 2017. Since then, I have worked with students of all ages, both in-person and online. My lessons are dynamic and personalized to the interested of each individual student. What do I offer? - I can prepare students for English exams (PET, FCE, CAE, IELTS, TOEFL) - Business English lessons to boost your career - Editing and writing support to improve your communication - Conversation-based lessons to expand your vocabulary and perfect pronunciation - Homework assignments to reinforce learning points from our lessons I am very excited to help you improve your English!!! ------------------------------------------- ¡Hola! Mi nombre es Omar y soy profesor de inglés con más de 7 años de experiencia. Soy licenciado en Escritura Creativa y obtuve mi certificado TEFL en Barcelona, ??España en 2017. Desde entonces, he trabajado con estudiantes de todas las edades, tanto en persona como online. Mis clases son dinámicas y adaptadas a los intereses de cada estudiante. ¿Qué ofrezco? •? ?Preparación de exámenes de inglés (PET, FCE, CAE, IELTS, TOEFL) •? ?Clases de inglés de negocios para impulsar tu carrera. •? ?Apoyo con edición y redacción en inglés para mejorar la claridad. •? ?Clases de conversación para ampliar el vocabulario y perfeccionar la pronunciación. •? ?Proporcionar deberes para reforzar los puntos de aprendizaje de la lección. Tengo muchas ganas de ayudarte en mejorar tu inglés!!


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? Join me for an intensive and personalized one-on-one online course this July. With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling in my intensive one-on-one online course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture. WWW.SPANISHONE2ONE.COM


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? Join me for an intensive and personalized one-on-one online course this July. With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling in my intensive one-on-one online course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture. WWW.SPANISHONE2ONE.COM


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? Join me for an intensive and personalized one-on-one online course this July. With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling in my intensive one-on-one online course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture. Free Trial Lesson Available this week


Are you preparing for your B2 or C1 English exams? Look no further! I'm an experienced English teacher passionate about helping students like you achieve your language goals. Why Choose My Classes? I've spent the past five years teaching English, and I hold a Bachelor's degree in English Language. I've helped many students prepare for their Cambridge and Trinity exams with great success. My classes are interactive and engaging, designed to suit your unique learning style. I love using technology to make lessons more interesting and effective, and my students always enjoy our fun activities like role-plays, games, and creative projects – we even created a cookbook from student recipes once! What You Can Expect: In my classes, we'll cover all parts of the exam – reading, writing, listening, and speaking. I'll provide regular practice tests and detailed feedback to help you improve. Plus, the flexibility of online lessons means you can learn from the comfort of your home, at times that suit you best. Who Can Join? Whether you're a student aiming to pass your B2 or C1 exams, an adult learner looking to boost your English skills, or anyone committed to achieving their language goals, my classes are perfect for you. A Bit About Me: I’m CELTA certified and have extensive experience teaching B2 and C1 exam preparation courses. I'm also currently working on a linguistic project to train AI in Spanish, with a goal to become an NLP expert. This allows me to bring innovative approaches to my teaching. Plus, I love exploring new ways of learning and incorporating fun activities like singing songs with my guitar, various games, and role-plays that my adult groups enjoy a lot. Ready to Get Started? Join my online classes on Lingobongo and take the first step towards mastering your B2 or C1 exams! Just sign up on Lingobongo and search for my profile to enroll. Let’s make learning English an exciting and rewarding journey!


In today’s digital-first world, your English academy’s online presence is more crucial than ever. Yet, many language schools limit their potential by setting up static websites that barely scratch the surface of what's possible. These websites often fail to compete in search rankings, leaving many potential students unaware of the excellent education opportunities available. It’s time to change that narrative with our specialized in-house SEO services designed specifically for English academies like yours! What's more, I'm also an native English speaker with some English teaching experience as well as getting my TESOL accreditation so I can also double as an English Teacher. What We Offer: SEO Audit: We begin by evaluating your current website to identify SEO weaknesses and areas for improvement. This comprehensive audit covers everything from site structure to content quality and user experience. Keyword Research: Discover what potential students are searching for with our in-depth keyword research. We help you understand the terms and phrases that can drive the most relevant traffic to your site. Keyword Gap Analysis: Stand out from the competition with our keyword gap analysis. We compare your current keyword strategy against those of your competitors to find valuable opportunities that they are missing, giving you the edge. Content Calendar: Keep your website fresh and engaging with a strategic content calendar. We plan out when and what to post to maintain an active online presence that attracts and retains students. Management of Google My Business: Optimize your local SEO with our management services for your Google My Business account. Enhance your local search visibility to reach students in your area more effectively. Monitoring and Fixing Core Web Vitals: Google loves a website that loads quickly and provides a smooth user experience. We continuously monitor and optimize your site’s Core Web Vitals to ensure it meets Google's performance standards. By neglecting SEO, many English academies are missing out on engaging potential students who are actively searching for their next learning opportunity. Don’t let your academy be invisible to those who need it most. Our in-house SEO services are tailored to help English academies shine online, attract more students, and grow sustainably. Contact us today to start transforming your website into a dynamic, student-attracting platform!


¡Aprende inglés a través de la fotografía! ¿Frustrad@ con los métodos tradicionales para aprender inglés? Nuestro innovador curso de fotografía en inglés B1 está diseñado para principiantes que desean fusionar su pasión por la fotografía con el uso práctico del inglés, desde la comodidad de su hogar. Beneficios: Tareas semanales de fotografía: Desarrolla tus habilidades a través de desafíos creativos y aprende inglés de forma natural. Sesiones interactivas en línea: Comparte, discute y crece con un pequeño grupo de compañeros entusiastas de la fotografía. Materiales de aprendizaje integral: Adéntrate en las técnicas fotográficas y los conocimientos culturales mientras mejoras tu vocabulario en inglés. Feedback personalizado: Recibe apoyo directo para mejorar tanto tu fotografía como tu comunicación en inglés. Programa: Clase 1: Fundamentos de fotografía Clase 2: Composición Clase 3: Iluminación y habilidades narrativas Clase 4: Estilos de fotografía Clase 5: Perspectivas culturales Tareas: Después de cada clase, los participantes recibirán una pequeña tarea para preparar la siguiente sesión, como tomar fotografías de tipos específicos o escribir párrafos cortos describiendo su trabajo. Detalles clave: Tamaño del grupo: Limitado a 5 participantes para una interacción óptima. Horario: Lunes y jueves de 7 a 8:30 PM; Sábados de 11 a 12:30 PM. Costo: 75 € por 5 clases, pagado antes del inicio de tu curso a través de Paypal. También puedes reservar tu plaza por 25€ y abonar el resto hasta el día anterior al inicio del curso. Fechas de inicio: Grupo 1: 3 de junio, Grupo 2: 4 de junio, Grupo 3: 8 de junio. ¿Listo para transformar tus habilidades de inglés a través del lente de tu cámara? ¡Inscríbete ahora y emprende un viaje donde el idioma se encuentra con el arte! Inscripciones:


Let's speak Portuguese or English today! My name is Sandrine Elliott, and I’m an online language tutor specializing in helping children and adult expats learn a new language. I speak English, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish. I am also learning French and Chinese. I am a language learner myself, so I understand the emotional rollercoaster that can cloud our judgment and make us feel discouraged at times. That’s why I am patient and empathetic with my students. I make them feel comfortable and help them overcome the fear of speaking another language, allowing the lesson to flow at their own pace without rushing. My immersive, natural approach to language learning ensures that you will not only improve your language skills but also feel comfortable and confident speaking in any situation. This is my LinkedIn profile where you can learn more about me and see the recommendations I have received: I offer lesson packages. Ex: 5 lessons for $187, 50 a month ( 1 lesson per week) Check my website for package details, and scheduling: I just created a YouTube channel 2 weeks ago where you can follow me for tips on language learning. I upload videos every week: Please let me know if you have any questions at: WhatsApp +1 912 500 5101 Email: Are you ready to start? Book a free trial lesson today:


Unlock the power of English with personalized private lessons! Whether you're a beginner or aiming for fluency, dive into the language adventure with me! From grammar galore to conversation champions. No more dull textbooks, just tailored sessions that fit your pace and interests. Say hello to confidence, wave goodbye to language barriers! Ready to embark on this linguistic rollercoaster? Let's chat and start your English escapade today! My name is Doug. I am a TEFL certified English teacher here in Barcelona. I am a native English speaker from the USA. I offer class in person or online for 20 euros and hour. If you are interested email me at or Whatsapp me at +1 (720) 357-6080 and lets get you learning English today! ¡Desbloquea el poder del inglés con lecciones privadas y personalizadas! Ya seas principiante o busques fluidez, ¡sumérgete en la aventura del idioma conmigo! Desde gramática en abundancia hasta campeones de conversación. Tiremos los libros de texto aburridos - solo sesiones personalizadas que se ajusten a su ritmo e intereses. ¡Saluda a la confianza y dile adiós a las barreras del idioma! ¿Listo para embarcarte en esta montaña rusa lingüística? Charlemos y comencemos tu escapada en inglés hoy! Mi nombre es Douglas. Soy profesor de inglés certificado con TEFL - aquí en Barcelona. Soy un hablante nativo de inglés de los Estados Unidos. Ofrezco clases en persona u online por 20 euros la hora. Si estás interesado, por favor envíame un correo electrónico a o envíame un Whatsapp al +1 (720) 357-6080 y ¡permitete aprender inglés hoy!


Are you ready to take your Spanish skills to the next level? With flexibility and convenience, you can learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. I offer private lessons tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, I, as a highly experienced and professional teacher, will guide you every step of the way. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in teaching Spanish effectively, ensuring that you receive top-notch instruction. What sets my course apart is its practical approach. I believe in immersing you in real-life language situations, allowing you to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a natural and authentic way. From vocabulary and grammar to conversation and cultural insights, my comprehensive curriculum covers it all. One of the best parts? I offer a free trial class, so you can experience the quality of my instruction before committing. This allows you to see firsthand how I customize the lessons to suit your individual learning style, making the most of your time and effort. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn Spanish quickly and effectively. My flexible scheduling options ensure that we can fit your lessons into your busy schedule. Take the first step towards mastering the Spanish language in spanishone2one and enrolling my one-on-one course today! Sign up now and embark on your Spanish learning journey with confidence and success. Don't wait, spaces are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot today and unlock the doors to a world of language and culture. This program are for you if : -You are looking for a multilingual and a highly experienced teacher . -You have no time to waste just following a book without methodology with an unexperienced person -You want strategies to improve faster. -You prefer to make the most of every minute. -You are not looking for an amateur "teacher" with no experience. -You need to learn Spanish as soon as possible. -You want 100% personalized attention. -You start from scratch, but you want to move fast. -You know some Spanish, but you want to speak fluently. -You are looking for a learning method that motivates you and you need facilities and flexibility with schedules IN MY WEB YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY NEW BOOK: UNLOCK SPANISH IDIOMS: TREASURED SPANISH SAYINGS UNVEILED WWW.SPANISHONE2ONE.COM Lets send me a WhatsApp! Hope hearing from you soon Victor


Now half price for the first class! Hi! I'm a friendly and fun English teacher from England, with a 160-hour Trinity CertTESOL TEFL qualification. I have experience teaching groups and private classes of all English proficiency levels. My class services can include (but are not limited to): KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, etc... Business English, Conversation, Revision/Homework, Interview + Exam Prep, CV assistance, Job applications. Prices: 15 euros per hour, 30 min classes are 10 euros. Discounts are available for booking 5 or more classes. Discounts are available for group sessions. For in-person sessions, 18 euros per hour, with the same discounts applying :) Contact: Email: Whatsapp: +44 7887381671 I hope to hear from you soon! ____________________________________________________________ ¡Ahora a mitad de precio para la primera clase! ¡Hola! Soy una profesora de inglés amigable y divertida de Inglaterra, con una calificación Trinity CertTESOL TEFL de 160 horas. Tengo experiencia impartiendo clases grupales y privadas de todos los niveles de inglés. Mis servicios de clase pueden incluir (pero no se limitan a): KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, etc... Inglés de negocios, conversación, revisión/tarea, entrevista + preparación para exámenes, asistencia de CV, solicitudes de empleo. Precios: 15 euros la hora, clases de 30 min son 10 euros. Hay descuentos disponibles para reservar 5 o más clases. Hay descuentos disponibles para sesiones grupales. Para sesiones presenciales, 18 euros la hora, aplicándose los mismos descuentos :) Contacto: Correo electrónico: Whatsapp: +44 7887381671 ¡Espero oír de usted pronto!


¡Hola! Soy Sara. Would you like to communicate in Spanish confidently, in a natural way? If so, I am a professional and experienced teacher and would be happy to help you! My teaching methods are tailor-made to meet your needs. I emphasise the communicative aspect of language, to help you interact with Spanish speakers in a natural way. Any level is welcomed from beginner to advanced. Feel free to visit my website to know a bit more about me, the lessons, and what some other students say about me :) or my video: THE CLASSES - Taylor - made for your needs and goals - Online via video-conference (Skype or Zoom) - Interactive and enjoyable - With creative material provided - Flexible times ABOUT ME - Qualified Spanish Teacher - Over 10 years' experience - Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language - DELE examiner - Lived and taught in Ireland, Holland, Germany and UK - Enthusiastic, patient and creative PRICE (one to one) - Free 30 min. trial lesson to discuss your needs and goals. - General Spanish: €30/hour SOME TESTIMONIALS “Sara’s approach makes the process of learning Spanish effective and very enjoyable. Just as it should be.” - Adam, intermediate level. “Sara is enthusiastic, positive and relaxed so the classes are always enjoyable - as a result I have seen a dramatic improvement in my Spanish.” Alex, intermediate level. “Sara makes you feel confident and comfortable. She draws out the most in you. We learn by doing and she is so good at teaching that way. ” - Bethany, advanced level. “Sara is a fantastic and patient teacher. Her enthusiasm for Spanish is infectious. Sara not only understands teaching but she understands people.” - Vaitehi, intermediate level. “Sara structures the lessons around you to make sure you learn and understand exactly what you need to. Not only this, she keeps it fun while also teaching you.” - Isabel, beginner level. “She was the perfect teacher to have during my Master program. She has high standards and won’t settle for “good enough” when it comes to corrections.” - Rachel, advanced level.


Do you want to gain international experience while getting a taste of teaching? Join our programs to teach English in one of our schools in Spain. Receive TEFL-related training and boost your resume by becoming a Language Assistant. Take initiative and help Spanish students develop English speaking skills through conversation practice. You will have the chance to create teaching materials and put them into practice with groups of students. It’s the best opportunity to share your home country’s traditions while embracing the Spanish culture. Knowledge of the Spanish language and teaching experience is not required but would be helpful. Main Highlights of an Unforgettable Program - No fees - Placements in more than 300 schools all over Spain. - Monthly stipend, enough to live and travel in Spain as a young professional. The amount will vary depending on the number of weekly in-class hours, the maximum number of students in the conversation group, and your choice of accommodation. - Two lodging options: independent housing or full board accommodation with a Spanish host family. - Free TEFL training included. - Spanish public healthcare coverage. - Paid school holidays. - Opportunity to learn Spanish and discover a fascinating culture. - Ongoing in-country guidance from the school's tutor and Meddeas. - Guidance through the visa process. Requirements - Being a native-level English speaker - Being a recent university graduate within the last 4 years: • holding a +3 year university degree or • holding a postgraduate degree related to Education or Linguistics, or - Being a current undergraduate student from a partnering university who will earn credits through this placement. - Being energetic and proactive - Having cultural awareness - Having no criminal records Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Become a Language Assistant in Spain and let the adventure start! Apply through our website


Teachers needed for this new school year. First Page is a school located in the center of Barcelona. We offer classes on and off site as well as extracurricular classes in public schools, private classes to both adults and kids as well as nurseries. Courses run from the 16th of September to the 20th of June. Possibility of continuing next year. Christmas and Easter holidays paid. Applicants must: Be committed to begin and finish the school year. Please refrain from applying if you’re not available for the whole year. Native-level English + understanding of Catalan/Spanish Have a positive, committed, and dynamic attitude. Minimum 1 year of experience. Experience with babies is a plus. Teamwork skills. CELTA or TOEFL. We need a teacher for the following timetable: 2 positions available: off site classes mon-thurs 16:30 - 18:00 with primary kids (1 class a day) part-time position on site mon-thurs 16:00 - 19:00 with kids aged 3-16 (average 10 hours) + private classes. Typical timetable would be Monday - Thursday: 16:30-18:00 but there’s the possibility of more. With the possibility for more hours in terms of privates, lunch time classes etc We’re offering: A fun, supportive environment access to the school's resources Trainings and possibilities to learn and grow your teaching skills possibility of working Christmas/Easter/summer camps contract from the 16th of september - 20th of june 17€/hour. Applicants must send a copy of their CV as well as a covering letter to Please make sure to let us know your availability and which position you’re applying for. Interviews will be held from the 22nd - 29th of July.


About Us: At Yolk Academy, we are leaders in business language training, offering tailor-made courses that seamlessly integrate with our clients' daily work routines. Our mission is to build language confidence through personalized courses, empowering teams to use their language skills naturally and fluently in professional settings. We cater to companies of all sizes across various industries, providing high-value language courses. What sets us apart is our unique methodology that prioritizes efficient use of time, recognizing its importance as one of the most valuable assets for individuals. Through flexible and dynamic classes tailored to the real needs of teams, we aim to optimize learning outcomes. We thoroughly study each client's core business to create customized content, ensuring 100% adaptation to their unique requirements. Who We Are Looking For: Yolk Academy is seeking a passionate and dynamic freelance Japanese teacher with a native level of proficiency. If you have experience teaching interactive Japanese classes for companies and are excited about creating engaging learning experiences, we want to hear from you! Requirements: - Native-level proficiency in Japanese. - Previous experience teaching in-company Japanese classes. - Strong organizational skills and a dynamic approach to teaching. - Must be located in Spain with valid Spanish working papers (NIE/DNI and Social Security Number). - Must be a Freelance/Autonomo How to Apply: If you're interested in joining our team, please send your CV and current availability to We can't wait to hear from you and explore the possibilities of working together!


We are hiring a professional and motivated coordinator to join our team. We combine English language teaching with creative workshops and projects. Workshops range from basic cooking, arts and crafts, science experiments, theatre, etc. You must love working with kids and have experience in a creative style of teaching. We are looking for someone who is willing to go the extra mile to assist the director with the smooth running of the academy. Offer: Full time permanent 12 month contract. Duties You will provide support to the Director and to the team of teachers and teaching support staff. Responsible for carrying out observations and feedback. Assisting with classroom management. Course design and preparation, including designing new workshops and projects. Helping plan the holiday camp programs. Assist in the recruitment, onboarding and training of new teachers and support teachers. Manage class room allocation Essentials: CELTA / TESOL qualified At least 3 years teaching experience and previous experience teaching very young learners Minimum 1 year in an admin or coordinating role Strong organizational and multitasking skills Reliable, professional, motivated Native level English / B2 Spanish Someone who is looking for career progression Already residing in Barcelona or the surrounding areas Must have experience in: Teacher training Teaching very young learners, teens, adults, exam prep. Creating workshops and projects Relating to students, teachers and parents Ability to work independently and as part of a team Being reliable and committed to delivering a high standard of work Benefits: Career development, supportive environment Course information: Start Beginning of September Location: Barcelona Eixample Izquierda Please send your C.V. and an introductory email, both in English, to: Please state you are applying for the Coordinator position.


At Kids&Us, we are the trigger that ignites the new generations to discover the world through their senses. We are passionate about changing the education landscape by building a world full of meaningful English educational experiences. We are proud to have a wonderful and diverse community of teachers all over the world. We are looking for English Teachers to join our teams in Barcelona for the next school year, starting in September. We offer flexible hours to adjust to your schedules and studies. Your responsibilities will consist of teaching classes, implementing student follow-up attendance records, grades, and reports, completing online reports at the end of each term, and performing other school-related tasks. We will train you in the use of our teaching method. You would fit right in at Kids&Us if you have: A positive and sociable attitude, and dedication to teaching. Excellent communication skills. Interest in working with young children or teens (and everything it entails). Flexibility with work hours and availability. Requirements: Availability in the Afternoon and/or at Midday. Advanced or Proficiency level in English (C1-C2). Previous teaching EXPERIENCE will be a plus factor for candidates, as well as being adept at working and communicating with children. Qualifications in Infant Education, Foreign Languages, Language and Literature, Translation and Interpretation, and other similar types of qualifications will be given preference. We offer: Fixed-term / Permanent contract. Young and stimulating work environment. Start in September 2024. If Kids&Us sounds like the kind of school you would like to be a part of, we would love to hear from you!


Do you want to gain international experience while getting a taste of teaching? Join our programs to teach English in one of our schools in Spain. Receive TEFL-related training and boost your resume by becoming a Language Assistant. Take initiative and help Spanish students develop English speaking skills through conversation practice. You will have the chance to create teaching materials and put them into practice with groups of students. It’s the best opportunity to share your home country’s traditions while embracing the Spanish culture. Knowledge of the Spanish language and teaching experience is not required but would be helpful. Main Highlights of an Unforgettable Program - No fees - Placements in more than 300 schools all over Spain. - Monthly stipend, enough to live and travel in Spain as a young professional. The amount will vary depending on the number of weekly in-class hours, the maximum number of students in the conversation group, and your choice of accommodation. - Two lodging options: independent housing or full board accommodation with a Spanish host family. - Free TEFL training included. - Spanish public healthcare coverage. - Paid school holidays. - Opportunity to learn Spanish and discover a fascinating culture. - Ongoing in-country guidance from the school's tutor and Meddeas. - Guidance through the visa process. Requirements - Being a native-level English speaker - Being a recent university graduate within the last 4 years: • holding a +3 year university degree or • holding a postgraduate degree related to Education or Linguistics, or - Being a current undergraduate student from a partnering university who will earn credits through this placement. - Being energetic and proactive - Having cultural awareness - Having no criminal records Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Become a Language Assistant in Spain and let the adventure start! Apply through our website


Do you want to gain international experience while getting a taste of teaching? Join our programs to teach English in one of our schools in Spain. Receive TEFL-related training and boost your resume by becoming a Language Assistant. Take initiative and help Spanish students develop English speaking skills through conversation practice. You will have the chance to create teaching materials and put them into practice with groups of students. It’s the best opportunity to share your home country’s traditions while embracing the Spanish culture. Knowledge of the Spanish language and teaching experience is not required but would be helpful. Main Highlights of an Unforgettable Program - No fees - Placements in more than 300 schools all over Spain. - Monthly stipend, enough to live and travel in Spain as a young professional. The amount will vary depending on the number of weekly in-class hours, the maximum number of students in the conversation group, and your choice of accommodation. - Two lodging options: independent housing or full board accommodation with a Spanish host family. - Free TEFL training included. - Spanish public healthcare coverage. - Paid school holidays. - Opportunity to learn Spanish and discover a fascinating culture. - Ongoing in-country guidance from the school's tutor and Meddeas. - Guidance through the visa process. Requirements - Being a native-level English speaker - Being a recent university graduate within the last 4 years: • holding a +3 year university degree or • holding a postgraduate degree related to Education or Linguistics, or - Being a current undergraduate student from a partnering university who will earn credits through this placement. - Being energetic and proactive - Having cultural awareness - Having no criminal records Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Become a Language Assistant in Spain and let the adventure start! Apply through our website


PEARTREE ELEA ENGLISH LANGUAGE SUMMER SCHOOL AT ATLANTIC COLLEGE 2024 Opportunity to develop teaching and professional skills at a prestigious summer school located at the UWC Atlantic Campus near Cardiff, Wales Dates: 18/07/24 - 03/08/24 Minimum teaching qualifications CELTA / Cert. TESOL / TEFL as part of an undergraduate programme OR a minimum of 3 years of teaching experience working with young learners and a degree It is essential that applicants have the right to live and work in the UK, including a National Insurance Number Starting remuneration is £1180 plus holiday pay - inclusive of payment for induction days Residential accommodation and all meals are included (no deduction) Opportunities available for experienced / diploma level qualified teachers to carry out academic supervisor roles with increased remuneration - please state interest on application In line with Safer Recruitment, full background checks (DBS and in-country Police Authority if currently based abroad) and references (2) will be required before any post is offered To receive the full job description, please email and include a copy of your CV Applications are reviewed and interviews offered on a first come first served basis and the application process will close once all available posts are filled


Do you want to gain international experience while getting a taste of teaching? Join our programs to teach English in one of our schools in Spain. Receive TEFL-related training and boost your resume by becoming a Language Assistant. Take initiative and help Spanish students develop English speaking skills through conversation practice. You will have the chance to create teaching materials and put them into practice with groups of students. It’s the best opportunity to share your home country’s traditions while embracing the Spanish culture. Knowledge of the Spanish language and teaching experience is not required but would be helpful. Main Highlights of an Unforgettable Program - No fees - Placements in more than 300 schools all over Spain. - Monthly stipend, enough to live and travel in Spain as a young professional. The amount will vary depending on the number of weekly in-class hours, the maximum number of students in the conversation group, and your choice of accommodation. - Two lodging options: independent housing or full board accommodation with a Spanish host family. - Free TEFL training included. - Spanish public healthcare coverage. - Paid school holidays. - Opportunity to learn Spanish and discover a fascinating culture. - Ongoing in-country guidance from the school's tutor and Meddeas. - Guidance through the visa process. Requirements - Being a native-level English speaker - Being a recent university graduate within the last 4 years: • holding a +3 year university degree or • holding a postgraduate degree related to Education or Linguistics, or - Being a current undergraduate student from a partnering university who will earn credits through this placement. - Being energetic and proactive - Having cultural awareness - Having no criminal records Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Become a Language Assistant in Spain and let the adventure start! Apply through our website


Do you like working with children? If you are responsible, imaginative, caring, and full of energy, this might be the summer job you are looking for! JOB DESCRIPTION • Supervising daily recreational and social activities for groups of students. • Explaining activities, playing games, and instructing workshops: sports, arts and crafts, theatre, music, dance, etc... Participants will rely on you to guide them through their activities, and you must have both the charisma to work with a group and the sensitivity to listen to the individual. • Making sure the campers speak and hear as much English as possible. • Enforcing safety rules and regulations, and ensuring the safety and well-being of the campers. • This demanding role requires constant energy and enthusiasm. You will be a role model, teacher, mediator, comedian, and friend. In these residential camps, you'll be with the children 24 hours a day. • Overseeing appropriate behaviour at meal times. • Chaperoning on the bus trip from Madrid to the venue and back. • Volunteers pick-ups and drop-offs in Madrid. ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS • Age: Counselors must be at least 21 years old (born in 2003 or before). • Languages: Must be a native English speaker or have a bilingual level. • EU-citizens (or legal work permit in Spain). • Certificate of Criminal Records that allows you to work with minors (E.g: DBS/CRB check, Garda vetting…) • Desirable previous camp experience, 1 to 3 proven years of working with children. Teaching experience is an advantage and might be required for some of the residential camps. • Special skills such as arts and craft, dance, music, theater, yoga, sports… etc will be highly valued. If you are interested in this position and meet all the job requirements, please, send your CV and cover letter to


Do you want to gain international experience while getting a taste of teaching? Join our programs to teach English in one of our schools in Spain. Receive TEFL-related training and boost your resume by becoming a Language Assistant. Take initiative and help Spanish students develop English speaking skills through conversation practice. You will have the chance to create teaching materials and put them into practice with groups of students. It’s the best opportunity to share your home country’s traditions while embracing the Spanish culture. Knowledge of the Spanish language and teaching experience is not required but would be helpful. Main Highlights of an Unforgettable Program - No fees - Placements in more than 300 schools all over Spain. - Monthly stipend, enough to live and travel in Spain as a young professional. The amount will vary depending on the number of weekly in-class hours, the maximum number of students in the conversation group, and your choice of accommodation. - Two lodging options: independent housing or full board accommodation with a Spanish host family. - Free TEFL training included. - Spanish public healthcare coverage. - Paid school holidays. - Opportunity to learn Spanish and discover a fascinating culture. - Ongoing in-country guidance from the school's tutor and Meddeas. - Guidance through the visa process. Requirements - Being a native-level English speaker - Being a recent university graduate within the last 4 years: • holding a +3 year university degree or • holding a postgraduate degree related to Education or Linguistics, or - Being a current undergraduate student from a partnering university who will earn credits through this placement. - Being energetic and proactive - Having cultural awareness - Having no criminal records Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Become a Language Assistant in Spain and let the adventure start! Apply through our website


At Kids&Us, we are the trigger that ignites the new generations to discover the world through their senses. We are passionate about changing the education landscape by building a world full of meaningful English educational experiences. We are proud to have a wonderful and diverse community of teachers all over the world. We are looking for English Teachers to join our teams in Barcelona for the next school year, starting in September. We offer flexible hours to adjust to your schedules and studies. Your responsibilities will consist of teaching classes, implementing student follow-up attendance records, grades, and reports, completing online reports at the end of each term, and performing other school-related tasks. We will train you in the use of our teaching method. You would fit right in at Kids&Us if you have: • A positive and sociable attitude, and dedication to teaching. • Excellent communication skills. • Interest in working with young children or teens (and everything it entails). • Flexibility with work hours and availability. Requirements: • Availability in the Afternoon and/or at Midday. • Advanced or Proficiency level in English (C1-C2). • Previous teaching EXPERIENCE will be a plus factor for candidates, as well as being adept at working and communicating with children. • Qualifications in Infant Education, Foreign Languages, Language and Literature, Translation and Interpretation, and other similar types of qualifications will be given preference. We offer: • Fixed-term / Permanent contract. • Young and stimulating work environment. • Start in September 2024. If Kids&Us sounds like the kind of school you would like to be a part of, we would love to hear from you!


At Little Kickers Barcelona we offer an introduction to Sport in English for girls and boys from 18 months to 8 years old through family sessions, extracurricular activities, camps and birthday parties. Our motto is Learning Through Play! :) ROLE DESCRIPTION: We are looking for a SPORTS LEAD COACH to start immediately and for a long-term position. You must have excellent English verbal and communication skills and be physically fit for this role, which involves running psychomotor and football-based activity sessions for kids. We will train you to be a LK BCN Lead coach for Saturday morning family sessions and also to run extracurricular sessions and birthday parties on your own. QUALIFICATIONS: -Experience in coaching or teaching sports to young children -Ability to create and implement engaging sports activities -Excellent English speaking and some Spanish/Catalan is a plus -Excellent communication and lidership skills -Basic knowledge of football techniques, tactics, and rules -Ability to motivate and inspire children and their families -Passion for working with children and promoting physical activity -Permission to work in Spain -First aid is a plus YOUR JOB: -Organising and delivering sport sessions -Hi 5 to children and being nice with kids and families -Communicate with the Assistant coach about the help you need -Taking care of the equipment WHAT WE OFFER: -?Working while having fun!! -Legal contract and good pay rate -Awesome working atmosphere AREA: Sarrià - Sant Gervasi Poliesportiu La Salle and Escola Pia AVAILABILITY: Saturday morning 5h (family sessions) + Monday and Wednesday afternoon 2h (extracurricular activities). Between 7 and 10 hours per week. Possibility of a part-time or full-time contract during camps (Half Term, winter, spring and summer camp). ***This is not a full-time or part-time job, it is an extra job to combine with your main job. But we are growing and if you perform well we expect to give you more hours and responsability next course. Take a look at what we do! IG @lkbarcelona, We are looking to hire someone for the long-term so commitment is a must. If you love sports and children, you are proactive, enthusiastic, confident, organised, reliable and it motivates you to work on an exciting children’s sport activity project, then we would love to hear from you! :)


After four years as a recruiter working closely with teachers, looking at tens of CVs everyday from teaching professionals all over the world I've come to recognise the importance of that first email, the CV and the cover letter. For this reason, to help more teachers get better jobs, faster and with less effort, I'd like to offer a new set of services you might be interested in: MyCV+ Our services start from 10€ We offer a free revision of your CV so you can find out if you need us.Please let me know if you would like a free review. Hey! We could improve various aspects of your CV and cover letter. Here are our prices, they exclude IVA. Professional CV makeover (only design) CV+ 20€ We move your CV content to a bright more dynamic design that will guarantee more callbacks and more job offers. Professional CV makeover (design+content check) CV++ 30€ We move your CV to a bright more dynamic design + we improve the content where needed. Secure job positions more easily with guaranteed results. Cover letter / first Email - 10€ Your first email should be perfect. Use ours. Translate your CV Spanish/English 30€ Sometimes employers prefer a certain language, this is especially true of smaller companies. CV+++ All of the above services: 55€ (translation, content review, design) Professional CV from scratch 50€ Sometimes it's best to begin again. We will write your CV from scratch in English or in Spanish. Add work experience (Lesson planning, course making, teaching) *free If you would like specific work experience to put on your CV, let us know. Mock interview with feedback 80€


¡Hola! Mi nombre es Pierre y me gustaría ofrecer mis servicios de traducción de inglés y español! Estoy entusiasmado con el mundo de la comunicación, el aprendizaje de idiomas, la escritura y las traducciones. Soy un nativo de inglés de California y un profesor de inglés en línea. Hace unos años decidí ampliar mi experiencia profesional y comencé a trabajar como traductor / editor para mis estudiantes en sus proyectos profesionales. Lo he disfrutado mucho desde entonces y quiero seguir trabajando en este campo. Trabajo de forma eficiente, centrándome en los detalles para proporcionar un trabajo de traducción de la calidad más alta. Es muy importante para mí que capte todo el significado del texto en lo que estoy trabajando y traduzca ese mensaje con precisión a otro idioma. Ser profesor de inglés y aprender español mientras vivo en España me da mucha insight a la hora de traducir entre ambos idiomas. Mi experiencia en traducción es en las áreas de educación, escritura creativa, localización para marketing y publicidad, redacción de discursos, presentaciones profesionales y marketing de investigación. Actualmente estoy traduciendo un plan de estudios académico del español al inglés. Mi último proyecto fue traducir un guión de película del español al inglés. Estoy interesado en hacer más trabajo relacionado con traducciones de textos creativas, para hablar en público y cualquier cosa relacionada con el marketing digital y la publicidad. En general, cobro 6-9 céntimos por palabra, aunque los precios pueden variar dependiendo de la carga de trabajo, el horario y la dificultad del texto. También se pueden añadir servicios adicionales como redacción y edición adicional. Si está interesado en trabajar conmigo, me encantaría saber de usted. Por favor, danos una descripción precisa del tipo de texto y el marco de tiempo.

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